
Key pair utilities shared between the Anvil Connect server and its CLI

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import anvilConnectKeys from '';



Key pair utilities shared between the Anvil Connect server and its CLI



AnvilConnectKeys.generateKeyPair(publicKeyPath, privateKeyPath)

Generates a 4096-bit RSA key pair, with the given public and private key paths.

AnvilConnectKeys.loadKeyPair(publicKeyPath, privateKeyPath, keyUse)

Loads an RSA key pair, with the given public and private key paths. Provides the public and private keys both as raw PEM data, and the public key as a JWK. The keyUse parameter corresponds to the use property on the JWK.

  "pem": {
    "pub": "Public PEM key contents",
    "prv": "Private PEM key contents"
  "jwk": {
    "pub": {
      "kty": "RSA",
      "use": "keyUse",
      "alg": "RS256",
      "n": "modulus",
      "e": "exponent"


Generates a random 256-byte hash and saves it to tokenPath using the UTF-8 encoding. Returns the generated token as a string.


Returns the contents of the file at tokenPath as a string, decoded using the UTF-8 encoding.


new AnvilConnectKeys()

Returns a new instance of AnvilConnectKeys scoped to a keys folder in the current working directory.

new AnvilConnectKeys(path)

Returns a new instance of AnvilConnectKeys scoped to a keys folder in the given path.


Generates both signing and encryption key pairs in the scoped path.

File name Key Public signing key
sig.rsa.prv.pem Private signing key Public encryption key
enc.rsa.prv.pem Private encryption key


Loads both signing and encryption key pairs from the scoped path.

  "sig": {
    "pub": "Public signing PEM key contents",
    "prv": "Private signing PEM key contents"
  "enc": {
    "pub": "Public encryption PEM key contents",
    "prv": "Private encryption PEM key contents"
  "jwks": {
    "keys": [
        "kty": "RSA",
        "use": "sig",
        "alg": "RS256",
        "n": "modulus",
        "e": "exponent"
        "kty": "RSA",
        "use": "enc",
        "alg": "RS256",
        "n": "modulus",
        "e": "exponent"


Generates a random 256-byte hash and saves it to the scoped path as setup.token using the UTF-8 encoding. Returns the generated token as a string.


Returns the contents of the setup.token file in the scoped path as a string, decoded using the UTF-8 encoding.