Welcome to anxelin-project-structure π
Create a project structure for an Angular project
npm ci
Current test
npm run build:watch
schematics .:anxelin-project-structure
Run tests
npm run test
How to use in your Angular project?
ng g anxelin-project-structure:<SCHEMATIC_OPTION>
Schematic Options
ng g anxelin-project-structure:aps
Creates a folder structure for an Angular project.
β£ πapp
β β£ πconfig
β β β π.gitkeep
β β£ πpages
β β β π.gitkeep
β β πshared
β β β£ πguards
β β β β π.gitkeep
β β β£ πinterceptors
β β β β π.gitkeep
β β β£ πmodels
β β β β π.gitkeep
β β β£ πmodules
β β β β π.gitkeep
β β β£ πservices
β β β β π.gitkeep
β β β πutilities
β β β β π.gitkeep
β£ πassets
β β πstyles
β β β π.gitkeep
ng g anxelin-project-structure:cpg
Creates a prettierrc file configuration
"semi": true,
"singleQuote": true,
"proseWrap": "always"
ng g anxelin-project-structure:chac
Create files to autogeneration CHANGELOG and validate commits with
Conventional Commits
Steps to configure
You need to install the following dependencies.
Run in a terminal
npm install husky && npm install @commitlint/config-conventional && npm i --save-dev standard-version
We need install globally @commitlint/config-conventional
and commitlint/cli
npm install @commitlint/config-conventional @commitlint/cli -g
Add the following scripts
in your package.json
"scripts": {
// ...
"release": "standard-version",
"release:minor": "standard-version --release-as minor",
"release:patch": "standard-version --release-as patch",
"release:major": "standard-version --release-as major"
First release
Run in a terminal
npm run release -- --first-release
# Output
> standard-version "--first-release"
β skip version bump on first release
β created
β outputting changes to
β committing
β tagging release v0.0.0
βΉ Run `git push --follow-tags origin master` to publish
Finally you can check your autogenerate CHANGELOG
π€ mikeg96 (
- Website:
- Github: @mikeg96
- LinkedIn: @malgarcia
π€ Contributing
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check
issues page.
Show your support
Give a βοΈ if this project helped you!
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