
convert from and to numeric bases from base 2 to base 62

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import anybase2 from '';



node_module to convert virtually from any to any other numeric base

fork from


  • Will only accept numeric bases 2 ... 62 (included)
  • JavaScript number type limit (positive integers: 0 ... 2^53 - 1)
  • No negative numbers
  • No decimals
  • Minimum and maximum output digits limit: 64

Maps digit values as follows:

  • 0..9 to 0..9
  • A..Z to 10..35
  • a..z to 36..61

Use with your node.js project


npm install anybase2

In your code

var anybase = require('anybase2').default;

target_base     = 2
original_number = '11'
original_base   = 8

// prints 1001
console.log(anybase(target_base, original_number, original_base));

// prepend with zeros to make it 8 characters
minimum_digits = 8
// prints 00001001
console.log(anybase(target_base, original_number, original_base, minimum_digits));

// prepend with zeros to make it 8 characters
minimum_digits = 2
maximum_digits = 2
// prints 01
console.log(anybase(target_base, original_number, original_base, minimum_digits, maximum_digits));

Use on your terminal

Install globally

npm install -g anybase2

Convert numbers on your terminal

anybase 2 11 8 # prints 1001
anybase 2 11 8 8 # prints 00001001
anybase 2 1 2 2 # prints 01