

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import anytimeApi from '';



AnytimeApi - JavaScript client for anytime_api Anytime API This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 1.0.0
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build date: 2016-09-20T08:18:37.220Z
  • Build package: class io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen


For Node.js


To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".

Then install it via:

npm install anytime_api --save


If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. then install it via:

    npm install YOUR_USERNAME/anytime_api --save

For browser

The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify, perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):

browserify main.js > bundle.js

Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:

var AnytimeApi = require('anytime_api');

var api = new AnytimeApi.AccountsApi()

var version = "version_example"; // {String} The API version

var authorization = "Bearer NzViMmUxNzdhYzQyNTNiYmNjNmFlMWJjZTA4OTMzODA2ZDczMjgwZTY0Y2U0ZDU1ZDk4Yjk3YWQwNTE0ZmZiMA"; // {String} The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by sing POST /oauth/v2/token uri.

var xValidationData = "test"; // {String} A random string you generate, used to sign the query

var xSignedRequest = "da3vzegG2UU/LTNpbEB5TD81NUHo4DglLnICV1+d4m2ZG9+0YfCEm7l2XfqENDAAk19MINr8kXBXiIu7a4Rat57HYDItEgJV4RtGcrpnXI0jQCZZUOmD/5BZKUmfaJxF1PSE68zNatU1dZN0Ls35VcQDkWhdsS8ZC1+T2PktGo63Bgl87DURsaKIavOx96R1woWcVp9p973dtQMfKBAeUDLNOcJAPzYi28hjw8bjE75dkUPzh8TRlvhlRplceVjsmO5KWDPnUnaLulUlL60+eOnkxqy+m78hVr4Y7jP0zabGRFAiQmf2oGnrtdYvDEX02TOq+RAt/pnSZ0N57J63Xw=="; // {String} This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + The X-Validation-Data string.

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.vversionAccountsGet(version, authorization, xValidationData, xSignedRequest, callback);

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AnytimeApi.AccountsApi vversionAccountsGet GET /v{version}/accounts Retrieve the account list
AnytimeApi.AccountsApi vversionAccountsIdBalanceGet GET /v{version}/accounts/{id}/balance Retrieve the balance of the current account
AnytimeApi.AccountsApi vversionAccountsIdCardsGet GET /v{version}/accounts/{id}/cards Retrieve the cards list of an account
AnytimeApi.AccountsApi vversionAccountsIdCreditTransferPost POST /v{version}/accounts/{id}/credit-transfer Create a credit transfer
AnytimeApi.AccountsApi vversionAccountsIdGet GET /v{version}/accounts/{id} Retrieve a specific account information
AnytimeApi.AccountsApi vversionAccountsIdKycPost POST /v{version}/accounts/{id}/kyc Upload KYC files
AnytimeApi.AccountsApi vversionAccountsIdPut PUT /v{version}/accounts/{id} Update account informations
AnytimeApi.AccountsApi vversionAccountsIdStatementsGet GET /v{version}/accounts/{id}/statements Retrieve the statements list of an account
AnytimeApi.AccountsApi vversionAccountsPost POST /v{version}/accounts Create a new account
AnytimeApi.ApicheckApi vversionApicheckGet GET /v{version}/apicheck Check the API
AnytimeApi.ApicheckApi vversionApicheckPost POST /v{version}/apicheck apicheck-apicheckpost-summary
AnytimeApi.CardsApi vversionCardsPost POST /v{version}/cards Order a new card
AnytimeApi.CardsApi vversionCardsRefCreditPost POST /v{version}/cards/{ref}/credit Credit a card
AnytimeApi.CardsApi vversionCardsRefDebitPost POST /v{version}/cards/{ref}/debit Debit a card
AnytimeApi.CardsApi vversionCardsRefGet GET /v{version}/cards/{ref} Get card info
AnytimeApi.CardsApi vversionCardsRefPinPost POST /v{version}/cards/{ref}/pin Send new pin
AnytimeApi.CardsApi vversionCardsRefPut PUT /v{version}/cards/{ref} Update card info
AnytimeApi.CardsApi vversionCardsRefTransactionsGet GET /v{version}/cards/{ref}/transactions Get all cards transactions
AnytimeApi.TokenCreationApi oauthV2TokenPost POST /oauth/v2/token Create a new oauth2 token

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

All endpoints do not require authorization.