node-apac - Node.js client for the Amazon Product Advertising API.
apac (Amazon Product Advertising Client) will allow you to access the Amazon Product Advertising API from Node.js. It supports the newly required Request Signatures which can be a bit tedious to generate on your own. Learn more about the Amazon Product Advertising API.
node-apac is just a thin wrapper around Amazon's API. The only intent is to take care of request signatures, performing the HTTP requests, processing the responses and parsing the XML. You should be able to run any operation becuase the operation and all parameters are passed directly to the execute method just as they will be passed to Amazon. The result is that you feel likely you're working directly with the API, but you don't have to worry about some of the more teadious tasks.
v1.0.0 Errors are now returned as the first parameter of the callback function, instead of being processed by a seperate OnError function. Note: This will break backwards compatibility with previous implementations where errors are processed by a sepearte funciton. Because of this, version 1.0.0 will not be uploaded to NPM yet, until more core features are added. Those who would like the new error processing implementation can get the module by cloning GitHub.
Install using npm:
$ npm install apac@latest
If you try to install without "@latest", it will try to install the most recent stable version, but there is no stable version yet. So for now you must specify latest.
Quick Start
Here's a quick example:
var util = require('util'),
OperationHelper = require('apac').OperationHelper;
var opHelper = new OperationHelper({
awsId: '[YOUR AWS ID HERE]',
awsSecret: '[YOUR AWS SECRET HERE]',
// xml2jsOptions: an extra, optional, parameter for if you want to pass additional options for the xml2js module. (see
// execute(operation, params, callback)
// operation: select from
// params: parameters for operation (optional)
// callback(err, parsed, raw): callback function handling results. err = potential errors raised from xml2js.parseString() or http.request(). parsed = xml2js parsed response. raw = raw xml response.
opHelper.execute('ItemSearch', {
'SearchIndex': 'Books',
'Keywords': 'harry potter',
'ResponseGroup': 'ItemAttributes,Offers'
}, function(err, results) { // you can add a third parameter for the raw xml response, "results" here are currently parsed using xml2js
// output:
// { ItemSearchResponse:
// { '