
An auto proxy agent based on redis.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apaxCore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/apax-core';



An auto proxy agent based on redis, in order to solve multi replicas problem.

Deploying proxy service on Linux servers and extention automatically based on Aliyun ECS are on the todo list.



An available redis server is needed.

Several linux servers with root authority is needed.


npm install apax-core --save

Node.js >= 8.0.0 required.


const ApaxCore = require('apax-core')
const apaxCore = new ApaxCore({
  ips: ['', ''], // IPs with proxy service on the servers
  redis: 'redis://', // redis service
  serial: 30, // Serial duration, reuse the data if the apps restart in the duration
  expire: 30 // Expire duration of invalid ip, the ip won't be issued by getProxy in the duration if failed once

(async () => {
  const ip = await apaxCore.getProxy('https://example.com') // get an available ip
  try {
    await someRequests(ip) // do some requests
  } catch (e) {
    await apaxCore.fail('https://example.com', '') // if a ip is blocked, call apaxCore.fail to shield it