
Converts API Blueprints (Apiary) to JSON

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apiBlueprintToJson from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/api-blueprint-to-json';


API Blueprint to JSON

Pulls down API Blueprints from Apiary, parses them, and saves them locally as JSON.


> npm install api-blueprint-to-json


The this model exposes a single method process which accepts an array of resource objects, defined as follows:

  • url (required) - [string]: A url for an .apib file. These are available from Apiary as https://api.apiary.io/blueprint/get/, which you can find in the subdomain part from http://docs..apiary.io/.
  • token (required) - [string]: A valid api token with access to the above resource. You can view/generate these from https://login.apiary.io/tokens.
  • savePath (required) - [string]: An absolute local path where you would like to save the converted JSON.


var resources = [
    url: 'https://api.apiary.io/blueprint/get/myapi',
    token: 'someapitoken',
    savePath: __dirname + '/schemas/myapi.json'

function callback(err) {
  if (err) {
  } else {
    console.log('All done');

apiBlueprintToJson.process(resources, callback);