
Lock API when a request arrives and fail other requests on same API with same payload thereby restricting duplicate requests

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apiConcurrency from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/api-concurrency';


JavaScript Style Guide


Function to restrict duplicate HTTP requests.

If an API request arrives for the very first time it will lock it (using redis) and another request for same API with same request body arrive even before the response of previous API is sent, it will return an error in response for that second (duplicate) request.

Tip: To increase the throughput of this function, connect the redis client with redis server using unix sockets


npm install api-concurrency


var express = require('express')
var apiLock = require('api-concurrency')
var redisClient = require('redis').createClient()
var app = express()

app.use(function (req, res, next) {
    var options = {
        payload: {
            path: req.path, // path should always be given in payload to determine same endpoint
            body: req.body // make sure your body contains a unique key for a given session
        ttl: 60000,
        silent: false,
        key_prefix: 'apiLock:' // a prefix to redis's key
     * Following function will invoke the next middleware with or without error depending on weather a request is duplicate or not.
    apiLock(redisClient, options, res, next)

app.get('/', function(req, res) {
  // We delay the response in order to mock the runtime of an actual API.
  // Now, you can try and hit the same API before 2 secs and it should throw an error
  setTimeout(() => {
    return res.status(200).json('Hello, World!')
  }, 2000)

app.listen(3000, function() {
  console.log('Server listening at port 3000')


key data type description
payload string/number/object/array (mandatory) this value will be used to determine if a given request if duplicate or not
ttl number (optional, default: 60000) value (in millisecond) to expire the hashkey regardless of response was sent or not
silent boolean (optional, default: false) if true, it will block the API execution in case of redis error
key_prefix string (optional, default: 'ApiLock') this string will be added as prefix to the key name in redis
error_message string (optional, default: 'Resource is busy') this string will contain the error message which the function will pass to next middleware in case of duplicate request