
An API framework in approach to build APIs with extensibility in mind

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apiExt from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/api-ext';



A framework to build APIs with modularity in mind

The framework is powered by express underneath. It encourages module based programming in node.js and does a lot of heavy lifting by itself.

Providing a clean code architecture, schema validations, error handling. One can have a fresh server up and running in less than 30 seconds.

ServerRequest is a base class which controls the flow in the followin order:

  1. sanityChecks
  2. process
  3. makeResponse
  4. postProcess (done asynchronously, after response is sent)
  5. handleError

The CLI provides the boilerplate code and you can always modify as required.

Install globally

> npm install -g api-ext

init Project

> api-ext init project-name

> cd project-name

Add new module (optional)

> api-ext module mymodule

Add a request

> api-ext request mymodule/firstApi.js


> cd mymodule
> api-ext request firstApi.js

Start the application and we are :)

> node app.js

  server started at port 8080

To be noted

The CLI tool will prompt a few questions for creating a new request.

Request Schema Validator is very handy tool to validate incoming request before actually processing them. api-ext uses the AJV library https://www.npmjs.com/package/ajv, It is very dynamic and extensible. Here is the list of types available, https://github.com/epoberezkin/ajv/blob/master/KEYWORDS.md#type

Environment Configurations

Adding an environment variable in a project is as simple as a single command. It will add the configuration to the selected environment. The default configuration is available in the /env/base.js file. The folllowing command will add somekey attribute with value in the dev environment.

> api-ext env dev somekey=value

As expected, it picks the environment from NODE_ENV environment variable

e.g. NODE_ENV=dev node app.js will start the application in dev environment

// loads the selected environment and returns the configuration
let config = require('../env').getEnvConfig();
// using the port from the config