This is a small wrapper to handle custom responses from your server. The package automatically adds an auth header to all your requests - it fetches the auth token from Async Storage (It's not secure. I recommend using rn-secure-storage). If the token is expired, it can send a refrsh request and then re-send the original request. You can also define your own functions based on the server's response.
Example scenario
Every time you get EXPIRED_TOKEN
, you want to send a refresh_token
request, and then re-send the original request - but not more than 3 times.
npm install api-fetch-wrapper
import Fetch from "api-fetch-wrapper"
const handleInvalidToken = json => {
// do something
const storeFunction = async (key, value = "") => {
/* the library sends the keys you define in params */
if (value == "") {
// get value
return await AsyncStorage.getItem(value)
// set value
return await AsyncStorage.setItem(key, value)
const fetchService = new Fetch(
// params: the params the server expects / returns, and the keys to send to storeFunction
auth_token: "auth_token", // auth token param in server response
refresh_token: "refresh_token", // POST param for refreshing token
error: "message" // if an error occurs, what's the name of the param the server returns? {"message": "ERROR MESSAGE"}
storeFunction, // function to handle get / set tokens
EXPIRED_TOKEN: "_handleExpiredToken", // built in in class
INVALID_TOKEN: handleInvalidToken
2, // maximum requests to be sent
"login/refresh_token" // refresh token endpoint
try {
const resp = await fetchService.fetch("/endpoint", {
method: "POST",
body: {
param: "hello world"
// resp.json and resp.status
} catch (error) {
// error.message is either an error from your server (if you defined params.error)
// or a default error