
Logger middleware for api request and response in express framework

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apiLogs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/api-logs';



This package helps you to log HTTP requests in Express Node.js application.


npm install --save api-logs


You can intialize the instance of the api-logs and then use it as a middleware in your application. By default this module will print logs in a console and create a log file in root directory if you don't pass any parameters, but you can control the console log printing based on the env key in the options as shown below.

Please note that this env key will have an array of environments as value. These environments will be compared with process.env.NODE_ENV variable.

Parameters Table

Name Default Description
env all array of environments for which you want to print the console logs. example ['dev', 'uat'] etc
logdir . path of the log directory, by default it will create file in the root dir. example logs, var/logs/api-logs etc
maxExecTime 60000 maximum execution time for any service after which you want to log warnings.
responseBody false should be true if you want to enable logging of a response body
maxFiles 7 Number of days after which the file will be deleted

using api-logs without any options argument

var app = require('express')();
var apiLogs = require('api-logs');

app.get('/', function(req, res){
    res.send('Hello from api-logs');


using api-logs with options argument

If you want to restrict logging to perticular environments, you can pass it in the options

var app = require('express')();
var apiLogs = require('api-logs');

let apilogOptions = {
    env: ['dev', 'uat'],
    logdir: 'logs',
    maxExecTime: 60000

app.get('/', function(req, res){
    res.send('Hello from api-logs');


Sample output

console output

api-logs sample output

log file output

api-logs sample output