Api Utilities
Node.js utility functions commonly used in API development.
Supported Language Features
This project uses JavaScript ES6
> npm install --save api-made-easy
Run tests
> npm run test
Run examples
> node request/body/example
Body intersection
Creates a new object from a given object by inclusion.
const Body = require('api-made-easy');
const intersection = require('api-made-easy').intersection;
const bodyRequest = {
name: 'Peter Parker',
grades: ['a', 'c'],
age: null,
dob: undefined,
roles: [],
const bodyIntersection = Body(intersection(bodyRequest));
const nameNGrades = bodyIntersection(['name', {grades: 'scores']);
const ageNdob = bodyIntersection(['age', 'dob']);
const address = bodyIntersection(['address']);
console.log(nameNGrades); // { name: 'Peter Parker', scores: [ 'a', 'c' ] }
console.log(ageNdob); // { age: null, dob: undefined }
console.log(address); // { address: undefined }
Body Difference
Creates a new object from a given object by exclusion.
const Body = require('api-made-easy').Body;
const difference = require('api-made-easy').difference;
const bodyDifference = Body(difference(bodyRequest));
const bodyWithNoRoles = bodyDifference(['roles']);
{ name: 'Peter Parker',
grades: [ 'a', 'c' ],
age: null,
dob: undefined
StandardResponse wraps all http-responses into successful 200-http-responses. So, the caller-client decides the next step. Also, StandardResponse could return the original request.
Upon receiving 400's or 500's http-response-codes, some frameworks will re send the request automatically again and again . With the StandardResponse the caller-client can modify this behaviour.
const {StandardResponse,createSuccessResponse,
createErrorResponse} = require('api-made-easy');
const happyResponse = new StandardResponse(
true, //success
'All good', //sucess message option
{id: 1}, //response
{id:1, name: 'Peter Parker'}, //Context Info
true //Include orignal request in response
const successResponse = createSuccessResponse(
{id: 1}, //response
{id:1, name: 'Peter Parker'}, //Context Info
'success message" //Optional
const errorResponse = createErrorResponse(
'error Message',
{id:1, name: 'Peter Parker'} //Context Info
Utility functions for handling headers
Json Web Token Header
const JWt = require('api-made-easy').Headers.JWt;
{ 'Content-Type': application/json,
'Accept': application/json,
'Authorization': 'Bearer tk12345'
{ 'Content-Type': application/json,
'Accept': application/json,
'Authorization': 'tk12345'