A simple wrapper around axios to work with remote API resources as though they were local
This is an NPM package. It can be used with any of your favourite JavaScript/Typescript frameworks, anywhere axios runs
npm install --save api-querier
This package provides two entities that you could use in your code. It exports, by default, a function that can make an ApiQuerier object.
import { makeApiQuerier, IApiQuerier, IResourceQuerier} from 'api-querier';
const resourceNames = ['books', 'tables', 'pens'];
const baseURL = '';
// Put the baseUrl of your api without trailing slash
* In this example, the endpoints exposed by the remote API are
* -
* -
* -
const apiQuerier: IApiQuerier = makeApiQuerier(resourceNames, baseURL,
/*{...headers}, customResourceProcessorFunction // if you wish to have a different one
// but there is surely no need
// apiQuerier is object whose keys are the resource names while
// the values are IResourceQuerier objects
const booksQuerier = apiQuerier['books'];
const tablesQuerier = apiQuerier['tables'];
const pensQuerier = apiQuerier['pens'];
// signature of each individual querier /
*interface IResourceQuerier {
list: (queryObj?: any, headers?: any) => Promise<AxiosPromise<any>>;
getOne: (id: string | number, headers?: any) => Promise<AxiosPromise<any>>;
update: ((id: string | number, payload: any, headers?: any) =>
create: (payload: any, headers?: any) => Promise<AxiosPromise<any>>;
destroy: (id: string | number, headers?: any) => Promise<AxiosPromise<any>>;
// each ResourceQuerier can list, getOne, update, destroy, create its items
// each returning the same data an axios call would return; whose data is on
const someAsyncFunction = () => {
// list and filter books
const booksQueryParams = {
author: 'Some Name'
const someHeadersIfYouWant = {
Authorization: 'Bearer some_token',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
const allBooksAuthoredBySomeName = await booksQuerier.list(booksQueryParams,
// getOne table
const tableOfIdRandomString = await tablesQuerier.getOne('RandomString',
// update table
await tablesQuerier.update('RandomString', {legs: 2}, /*, {...extraHeaders}*/);
const updatedTableOfIdRandomString = await tablesQuerier.getOne('RandomString',
/*{...extraHeaders}*/); == 2; // true
// delete table
const response = await tablesQuerier.delete(
'RandomString', /*, {...extraHeaders}*/);
const responseAfterDelete = await tablesQuerier.getOne('RandomString',
responseAfterDelete.status === 404; //true
Advanced Docs
For more details of each class, interface, enum etc, visit the TypeDoc generated docs site.
Axios is real nice!!
Copyright (c) 2019 Martin Ahindura Licensed under the MIT License