
Simple API reads

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apiReadHook from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/api-read-hook';



npm version

Hook-based library for simple yet flexible data fetching and display in React apps.

  • Compatible with any data fetching backend (e.g. Fetch) and API format (e.g. REST, GraphQL).
  • Predictable default mode of operation: fresh data is always fetched when the component first mounts.
  • Pagination support (flexible enough for any server mechanism).
  • Manual invalidation controls to wipe out stale responses across all components, including automatic time-based invalidation.
  • Configurable per-instance or via React context.
  • Full type-safety with TypeScript or Flow, including easy typing of expected responses.
  • Supports chaining API multiple dependent API requests.
  • Opt-in fine-grained control of a response cache, with clear identification of stale responses and their age.
  • TODO: A global cache, which can persist across screen unmounts.


$ npm install --save api-read-hook

# Or, with Yarn
$ yarn add api-read-hook

Getting started

import { ApiReadProvider, useApiRead } from 'api-read-hook';

 * Build a specific reader using HTTP Fetch on a bespoke REST API
async function myApiReader(path) {
  const response = await fetch(`https://example.com${path}`);
  if (!response.ok) throw new Error(`${path} returned ${response.status}`);
  const data = await response.json();
  return data;

function MyApp() {
  return (
    {/* Context configuration for all useApiRead calls */}
    <ApiReadProvider config={{ reader: myApiReader }}>
      <Navigation />

function HomeScreen() {
  const { data, error } = useApiRead('/posts');

  if (error) return 'An error occurred!';
  if (!data) return 'Loading...';

  return (
      {data.map(post => (
        <Post key={post.id} post={post} />

API reference

reader function

The reader function is the only required piece of setup to make this library functional. It's how the library knows how to perform requests against your API (which could be REST, GraphQL, or any other type of protocol).

Your reader function, when provided with a string path (essentially a unique "key" for the request), should asynchronously perform the appropriate request against your API, carry out any processing on the response (e.g. parsing JSON), and returns it.

If the request fails, you should throw an Error. Feel free to extend Error adding as much extra metadata as you'd like to use in your app.

Configuration options

The library can be configured with the ReadConfig options, either as a second argument to useApiRead to change just a single instance, or in the top level ApiReadProvider config prop to set the defaults for all instances.

  • reader: (path: string) => Promise<mixed> - A reader function for your app's API, as described above.
  • staleWhileInvalidated?: boolean - If true, then when an API response is considered invalidated (either because you manually invalidated it, or it's become too old), the stale (invalidated) response will continue to be returned by the useApiRead hook.
  • staleWhileError?: boolean - If true, then when an API response returns an error, if there was a previous response returned by this hook, that will continue to be returned by the hook.
  • invalidateAge?: number - If provided, defines the number of seconds after which the current response will be marked as "invalidated", and therefore re-fetched. This is useful to ensure the user is never looking at content which is too old, even if they've kept the same screen open for a long time.

Read result

The useApiRead hook returns a ReadResult object. The following properties tell you about the data returned:

  • data: T | undefined - If the data hasn't been fetched yet, or has been invalidated without the staleWhileInvalidated option enabled, this will return undefined. You will want to check for the absence of data and use that to display a loading screen. Once the request succeeds, it will return the data from your reader function. In TypeScript/Flow, you can use generics (useApiRead<{ expected: string }>('/path')) to indicate the type T of this property.
  • error: Error | undefined - If the request failed, this can be used to display a relevant error message to the user.
  • stale: boolean - Will be set to true if the current data being returned is considered stale.
  • staleReason: null | 'invalidated' | 'error' - If a stale response is being returned (stale: true), indicates why.
  • receivedAt: null | number - If data is being returned, a unix timestamp (seconds) of when the data was received (i.e. when the reader returned the data).

The ReadResult also contains some functions which can be called to control invalidation of responses. invalidate works directly on the current response, while invalidateExact and invalidateMatching allow searching through all currently held responses; they are also available via the useInvalidation hook this library provides.

  • invalidate: () => void - Call this when you know the current response is invalid and needs refetching (e.g. because the user just saved a change to entity).
  • invalidateExact: (search: string) => void - Searches through all currently held responses (i.e. any mounted hooks current displaying a response), and invalidates those where path is an exact match of search.
  • invalidateMatching: (search: string | RegExp) => void - Searchs through all currently held responses, and invalidates those where:
    • search is a string: path contains search.
    • search is a RegExp: path matches the search regexp.

Finally, ReadResult also contains some properties that can be used for pagination:

  • readMore: (path: string, updater: (moreData: T) => T) => void
  • loadingMore: boolean
  • moreError: Error | undefined


Path of one API call dependent on another

Apart from splitting the hooks across 2 components, and having the parent only render the child once its API call has succeeded, you can also approach this by passing null to path for the 2nd hook (which bypasses your reader) until you have enough information to construct the 2nd path:

function ProfileScreen({ name }: Props) {
  const apiSearch = useApiRead(`/find-user?name=${name}`);
  const apiUser = useApiRead(
    apiSearch.data ? `/profiles/${apiSearch.data.id}` : null

  if (apiSearch.error || apiUser.error) return 'An error occurred!';
  if (!apiUser.data) return 'Loading...';
  const user = apiUser.data;

  return <h1>{user.name}</h1>;