API Server Simulator
Easily simulate requests and responses for a REST Api server as specified in an Excel file.
How to use the library
Next code will use the library and start an API server as specified in a list of Excel files located in your NodeJS project.
const ExcelServer = require("api-server-sim");
const sim = new ExcelServer({files: ['./endpoints.xslx'], port: 3000});;
Find a sample Excel in the test_server folder.
Running and testing a sample server
Install the required libraries.
npm install
Running the sample server
Use the test_server/endpoints.xlsx as a reference to simulate GET, POST or PUT requests, and specify specific Urls and Query params. Responses can be specified with status and body.
npm run start
Running tests for sample server
After running the sample server provided in this library, run the sample Jasmine tests.
npm test
- Oscar Centeno - Initial work - oscarcenteno
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the license.txt file for details.
Feel free to report suggestions and issues! Thanks.
- Contract testing
- Validate simulation scenarios against a swagger file
- Make your test automation aware of external dependencies:
- Spy on calls made
- SMTP Server and emails verification endpoints