Quick unit test and export document APIs
- Test HTTP APIs passed or failed
- Validate response data, response headers...
- Re-use variable after each testcase done
- Split a big testcase to many smaller testcases which make easy testing for large project
- Easy to extends for specific project
How to use
npm install -g api-testing-doc
Write testcase
Main file must be
You can include many files in index.yaml via
fieldYou should install install "Project Snippets" plugins in visual code to make testcase easier
After installed, please folow these below commands to write testcase faster.
- In .yaml please use these shortcuts to create APIs
: Generate POST api in yamlput
: Generate PUT api in yamlget
: Generate GET api in yamldelete
: Generate DELETE api in yamlhead
: Generate HEAD api in yaml
- In .yaml please use these shortcuts to validate response data
: Validate response statussize
: Validate response data sizematch
: Validate response data must be matched your expectionsome
: Validate response data must be included atleast 1 of your expectionsevery
: Validate response data must be contains all of your expections
- In .yaml please use these shortcuts to create APIs
Run test
api-testing-doc test \"./\"
How to write a testcase
- Main testcase file
which is used to execute the first
title: My Project # Module title
des: This is the super project # Project description
saveTo: ./../../output/ # After the executing has done, the result will be exported to this path
debug: false # Always show a test link below each test step in console screen
retryWhenError: true # Retry this when any childs got error
retryOnError: true # Retry on each childs got error
force: true # Skip this when any childs got error
forces: true # Skip on each childs got error
doc: true # Enable always generate document
docs: # Description for each fields in the response, request body... which is showed in document
token: user or admin token
pj: project id
role: role id
vars: # Global variables which will be used in the test steps via ${varName}
url: http://localhost/MyProject # use ${url} in test steps
token: "my token here"
- my_module.yaml # Auto import test case from file
- file
title: Account APIs # Module title
des: Test account and roles # Module description
debug: true # Always show a test link below each test step in console screen
stepbystep: true # Pause after each execution
docs: # Description for each fields in the response, request body... which is showed in document
username: User name or Email
recover_by: Email
vars: # Global variables which will be used in the test steps via ${varName}
path: /Account # use ${url}${path} in test steps
steps: # Defined test steps which will be run sequence
- "<no-doc>": # This test step only run to test and validate, not export to doc
"<try-to-pass>": 5/4000 # Retry 5 times and sleep time between each time is 4s when the request is validated failed.
"<if>": "${isOk}" # Condition to execute test step/test job/test case...
"Add a new log | ADMIN": # Test case description
POST: ${url}${path}?fields={"*":1} # Request url ([POST, PUT, GET, DELETE, HEAD, PATCH])
headers: { token: "${token}" } # Use quick template to add request headers
body: { # Request body
title: "Test new log",
event_name: "test",
event_code: "EVENT_CODE_HERE",
files: ${File('./assets/w3logo.jpg')} # Upload file from path "./assets/w3logo.jpg"
debug: true # Always show a test link below each test step in console screen
var: newlog # Variable which store response body to re-used in the other testcases
vars: # Assign some value to some variables
userToken: headers.token # varName: (headers|data|status) in response
validate: # Validate response data after execute successfully
- Check response status: # Validator description
- match(status): 200 # Validate response status must be equals 200 (status|data|headers)
- Check data after creating: # Validator description
- match(data): { # Response data must match this value
title: "Test new log",
event_name: "test",
event_code: "EVENT_CODE_HERE"
- Check some in data must be in the below: # Validator description
- some: { # Response data must includes this value or atleast is 1 of them. This value can be object or array
title: "Test new log",
event_name: "test",
event_code: "EVENT_CODE_HERE"
- Check all of data must be in the below: # Validator description
- every: { # Response data must contains this value (all of them). This value can be object or array
title: "Test new log",
event_name: "test",
event_code: "EVENT_CODE_HERE"
- size: 10 # Response data must be array or string and its length must be equals 10 items
# Everything need to note for this APIs. Example: Status: On: 1, Off: 0...
note: |
- title and event_code are required
- event_name is customize field
- Test case send fund and decline # Show text message in console log
- <import>: my_module_1.yaml # Execute test steps in "my_module_1"
- "<pause>": # Wait until enter anything to continue the next
- "<pause>": 2000 # Sleep 2s then continue
- <exec if="EXECUTE_CONDITION" var="STORE_OUTPUT" ansi2html stopWhen="STOP_CONDITION" cmd="!file FILE_PATH ARG1 ARG2">: # Execute file
- <regex title="TITLE" match|test|exec var="STORE_VALUE" data="CONENT HERE"> # Use regex to handle text value
- "<extends>": "Add a new log | ADMIN" # Copy a test step with name "Add a new log | ADMIN" and overide its attributes if is specified
note: Overide note here
- "<job>": # This will group apis into it
- Group apis into a job # Show text message in console log
- "<job async>": # This will group apis into it and call asyns these apis
- Async call apis in job # Show text message in console log
- "<job retryWhenError|retryOnError|forces|force>": # retryWhenError: Retry this when any childs got error
# retryOnError: Retry on each childs got error
# force: Skip this when any childs got error
# forces: Skip on each childs got error
- "Remove log after execute in my_module_1.yaml done":
DELETE: ${url}${path}/:logId|${newlog._id}
headers: *adminToken # Use quick template to add request headers
Support swagger
- Please see examples at