
Small framework for easily exposing an API over websockets to clients

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apiIo from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/api.io';



Small node.js framework for easily exposing an APIa over websockets to clients.


Build Status


Expose an API in node.js

"use strict";

const http = require("http");
const api = require("api.io");

// Registers the api with the name myApi
const myApi = api.register("myApi", {
    VALUE: "const",
    notApi: () => {
        // Only exported functions will be included in the exposed API
    sum: api.export((session, a, b) => {
        // Exported function included in the exposed API
        return a + b;
    sumAsync: api.export(async (session, a, b) => {
        // Exported async function included in the exposed API
        return a + b;
    send: api.export((session, data) => {
        // Exported function included in the exposed API
        myApi.emit("event4", data);

// Registers the api with the name myApi2
const myApi2 = api.register("myApi2", {
    send: api.export(async (session) => {
        // Exported generator function included in the exposed API
        myApi2.emit("eventX", "Over myApi2");

let connectionSubscription;
let disconnectionSubscription;
let server;

const run = async (port) => {
    // Start a HTTP server and connect the API to it
    // This will setup a socket.io connection and it will
    // not work if you try to setup your own socket.io also
    server = new http.Server();
    await api.start(server);

    // Subscribe a listener for new clients
    connectionSubscription = api.on("connection", async (client) => {
        // Do something with client
        // client.session is available
        // Both generator functions and ordinary functions are supported

        client.session.username = "guest";

    // Subscribe a listener for lost clients
    disconnectionSubscription = api.on("disconnection", (client) => {
        // Do something with client
        // client.session is available
        // Both generator functions and ordinary functions are supported

    // Emit event1 to all clients in the myApi namespace
    myApi.emit("event1", "Hello World!");

    // Emit event2 to client in the myApi namespace that have a session with username = "guest"
    myApi.emit("event2", "Hello World!", { username: "guest" });

    // Emit event3 to all clients in the myApi namespace
    for (const value of [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]) {
        myApi.emit("event3", value);

const stop = async () => {
    // Unsubscribe listeners from new or lost client events

    // Shut down the socket.io connection
    await api.stop();

    // Close the HTTP server
    // Don't forget to close active clients (server-destroy is a good helper for this)


// stop(); When exiting the application

Use an API from a node.js or webpack:ed client

"use strict";

const api = require("api.io-client");

const run = async () => {
    // Connect to the API server via socket.io
    await api.connect({
        hostname: "localhost",
        port: 8080
    }, (status, message) => {
        if (status === "timeout") {
        } else if (status === "disconnect") {
            console.error("Disconnected from server, will attempt to reconnect...");
        } else if (status === "reconnect") {
            console.log("Reconnected to server");

    // => 1

    // Do a function call to a myApi server-side function
    const result = await api.myApi.sum(1, 2);
    // result === 3

    // Do a function call to a myApi server-side async function
    const result2 = await api.myApi.sumAsync(1, 3);
    // result2 === 4

    // Subscribe to myApi event1
    const subscription1 = api.myApi.on("event1", async (data) => {
        // data === "Hello World"
        // Both async functions and ordinary functions are supported

    // Subscribe to myApi event2
    const subscription2 = api.myApi.on("event2", (data) => {
        // data === "Hello World"
        // Both async functions and ordinary functions are supported

    // Subscribe to myApi event3 but only for values => 4
    // using a MongoDB style query. The query is evaluated using
    // [sift](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sift).
    // Note that when using queries, an id unique per query for
    // the specific event needs to be supplied as well.
    const subscription3 = api.myApi.on("event3", (data) => {
        // Triggered twice, first with data === { value: 4 }
        // then with data === { value: 5 }
        // Both async functions and ordinary functions are supported
    }, {
        id: 1,
        query: { $gte: 4 }

    // Unsubscribe from events
