Component used to display a list of items with checkboxes, the ability to select or deselect all items with one checkbox, and delete multiple items with one button.
To use:
Insert the select all component into your HTML file as you would a directive:
Add the following attributes to your component:
: dynamic list of items the user can selectroute
: type of item; used for redirecting when user clicks an item from the listitem-type
: item type or descriptionon-delete
: the function (with item parameter) to call when deleting a single itemmulti-delete
(optional): the function (with items parameter) to call when deleting multiple items all at once
<apic-select-list items="dataSources" route="datasource" item-type="{{'loopBackDataSource' | translate}}" on-delete="deleteDataSource(item)" multi-delete="checkSelectedDs(selectedList)"> </apic-select-list>