API Connect WSDL
Getting Started
To get up and running, just add a require:
const apicWsdl = require("apiconnect-wsdl");
Simply run npm install. This will run 200+ tests and 1000+ asserts:
npm install
More complicated testing is described in the general docs
Build and Release information is located in the release docs
A private cli (wpcli) is available to execute functions. See general docs
If you have questions about WSDL, SOAP, generation see the support docs and the matrix
The primary apis are listed below. Older apis are located in legacy apis
Primary Apis
* Create an openapi from wsdl
* @param {Buffer or String file location or String url} wsdl or zip content
* @param {String} serviceName name of the wsdl service
* @param {String} wsdlId id to use in the generated swagger. Often this is the filename
* @param options
* type: 'wsdl' (default) or 'wsdl-to-rest'
* openapiVersion: '2.0' (default) or '3.0'
* wssecurity: true (default) or false
* gateway: datapower-gateway (default) or datapower-api-gateway or micro-gateway
* req: request or null (used for i18n negotiation and error collection)
* allowExtraFiles: false (default) or true
* level: messages to report: DETAIL, INFO (default), WARNING, ERROR
* analysis: perform analysis of created openapi (default false)
* defaults: object to merge into openapi after generation. Same shape as openapi
* auth: auth object if wsdl is protected url
* jsonStyle: condensed (default) or badgerfish
* port: (optional) port name. If not specified, first soap port is used.
* mapOptions: setting to use for autogenerated assembly map. The default is
* {
* includeEmptyXMLElements: false,
* inlineNamespaces: false,
* mapEnablePostProcessingJSON: true,
* mapResolveXMLInputDataType: true,
* mapResolveApicVariables: false
* }
* mapSOAPFaults: true (if wsdl-to-rest) or false. Catch block for SOAPFaults
* @return {
* openapi: <openapi>
* analysis: { analysis messages }
* }
function createOpenApi(wsdl, serviceName, wsdlId, options)
Creates an openapi from a wsdl.
- The wsdl can be a Buffer containing the wsdl/zip contents or a url/filepath.
- The serviceName is the name of the service within the wsdl for this created api.
- The openapiversion is 2.0 or the new 3.0 version
- The type is 'wsdl' (for wsdl proxy) or 'wsdl-to-rest' (SOAP->REST)
- The create api has its own defaults for various fields. You can provide your own overrides.
let result = await.apicWsdl.create(buffer, serviceName, filename,
type: 'wsdl',
openapiVersion: version,
defaults: {
securityDefinitions: {
clientIdHeader: {
type: 'apiKey',
in: 'header',
name: 'X-IBM-Client-Id',
security: [ {
clientIdHeader: []
} ],
'x-ibm-configuration': {
cors: {
enabled: false
// The openapi is within result.openapi
* Validates wsdl and rejects with error containing messages.
* @error { "message": <combined message>
* messages[ {message: <message>}* ]
* }
* @param locationOrContent location of WSDL or Buffer
* @param options auth and other options.
* @returns promise of serviceData
function validateWSDL(locationOrContent, options);
The validateWSDL method will parse the wsdl/zip and perform some additional semantic validation of the wsdl. Thrown errors list the individual messages
try {
catch (err) {
// Process messages
* Validates xsd and rejects with error containing messages.
* @error { "message": <combined message>
* messages[ {message: <message>}* ]
* }
* @param locationOrContent location of XSD or Buffer
* @param options auth and other options.
* @returns promise of serviceData
function validateXSD(locationOrContent, options);
The validateWSDL method will parse the xsd/zip and perform some additional semantic validation of the xsd. Thrown errors list the individual messages
try {
catch (err) {
// Process messages
* Introspect wsdl and rejects with error containing messages.
* @error { "message": <combined message>
* messages[ {message: <message>}* ]
* }
* @param locationOrContent location of WSDL or Buffer
* @param options auth and other options.
* @returns promise of serviceData
function introspectWSDL(locationOrContent, options)...
The introspectWSDL api is used to determine which services are in the wsdl.
Example Response
{ portTypes:
{ MyPortTypeType:
[ { name: 'getStuff', description: undefined },
{ name: 'doStuff', description: undefined } ] },
{ MySOAPBinding:
{ type: 'MyPortType',
operations: [ 'getStuff', 'doStuff' ] } },
[ { service: 'MyService',
filename: 'MyWSDL_1.0.0.wsdl',
[ { operation: 'getStuff' },
{ operation: 'doStuff' } ] } ] }
try {
let serviceData = await.apicWsdl.introspectWSDL(buffer);
catch (err) {
// Process serviceData
* addTargetOpenApi
* @param openApi - existing openApi
* @param wsdl - Buffer containing the wsdl/zip or location of the wsdl/zip
* @param wsdlServiceName - Service
* @return promise openApi
function addTargetOpenApi(openapi, wsdl, wsdlServiceName) ..
The addTargetOpenApi api is used to add a target service into an existing openapi.
- The openapi is the existing openapi (version 2.0 or 3.0)
- The wsdl is a Buffer, wsdl/zip file location or URL
- The wsdl service is the name of the target service in the wsdl
- returns an openapi with the embedded target service.
let updated_openapi = await.apicWsdl.addTargetOpenApi(openapi, wsdl, service);
* addXSDToTargetOpenApi
* @param openApi - existing openApi
* @param xsd - Buffer containing the xsd or location of the xsd
* @param wsdlServiceName - Service
* @return promise openApi
function addTargetOpenApi(openapi, xsd, wsdlServiceName) ..
The addXSDToTargetOpenApi api is used to add xsd definitions to a target service within an existing openapi.
- The openapi is the existing openapi (version 2.0 or 3.0)
- The xsd is a Buffer, xsd/zip file location or URL
- The wsdl service is the name of the target service in the wsdl
- returns an openapi with the embedded target service.
let updated_openapi = await.apicWsdl.addXSDToTargetOpenApi(openapi, xsd, service);
* @param inContent wsdl or zip content (Buffer or String)
* @param serviceEndpoints single or array of endpoint strings
* @param serviceName the wsdl-definition.service string.
* @return (Promise)
* outContent: wsdl or zip content in a Buffer
* filename: if zip mode, this is the full name of first wsdl modified within the zip
* stringContent: in zip mode, this is the string content of filename.
* in wsdl mode, this is the string content of the wsdl file
function injectServiceEndpointsIntoWSDLorZIP(inContent, serviceEndpoints, serviceName)..
Use this method to add endpoints into a wsdl/zip file stored on apim. This is used dynamically in the portal when a wsdl is requested.