
API Connect WSDL

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apiconnectWsdl from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/apiconnect-wsdl';


API Connect WSDL

Getting Started

To get up and running, just add a require:

const apicWsdl = require("apiconnect-wsdl");


Simply run npm install. This will run 200+ tests and 1000+ asserts:

  npm install

More complicated testing is described in the general docs


  • Build and Release information is located in the release docs

  • A private cli (wpcli) is available to execute functions. See general docs

  • If you have questions about WSDL, SOAP, generation see the support docs and the matrix

  • The primary apis are listed below. Older apis are located in legacy apis

Primary Apis


* Create an openapi from wsdl
* @param {Buffer or String file location or String url} wsdl or zip content
* @param {String} serviceName name of the wsdl service
* @param {String} wsdlId id to use in the generated swagger.  Often this is the filename
* @param options
*     type: 'wsdl' (default) or 'wsdl-to-rest'
*     openapiVersion: '2.0' (default) or '3.0'
*     wssecurity: true (default) or false
*     gateway: datapower-gateway (default) or datapower-api-gateway or micro-gateway
*     req: request or null (used for i18n negotiation and error collection)
*     allowExtraFiles: false (default) or true
*     level: messages to report: DETAIL, INFO (default), WARNING, ERROR
*     analysis: perform analysis of created openapi (default false)
*     defaults: object to merge into openapi after generation.  Same shape as openapi
*     auth: auth object if wsdl is protected url
*     jsonStyle: condensed (default) or badgerfish
*     port: (optional) port name.  If not specified, first soap port is used.
*     mapOptions: setting to use for autogenerated assembly map. The default is
*      {
*           includeEmptyXMLElements: false,
*           inlineNamespaces: false,
*           mapEnablePostProcessingJSON: true,
*           mapResolveXMLInputDataType: true,
*           mapResolveApicVariables: false
*      }
*     mapSOAPFaults: true (if wsdl-to-rest) or false.  Catch block for SOAPFaults
* @return {
*              openapi: <openapi>
*              analysis: {  analysis messages }
*         }
function createOpenApi(wsdl, serviceName, wsdlId, options)

Creates an openapi from a wsdl.

  • The wsdl can be a Buffer containing the wsdl/zip contents or a url/filepath.
  • The serviceName is the name of the service within the wsdl for this created api.
  • The openapiversion is 2.0 or the new 3.0 version
  • The type is 'wsdl' (for wsdl proxy) or 'wsdl-to-rest' (SOAP->REST)
  • The create api has its own defaults for various fields. You can provide your own overrides.
  let result = await.apicWsdl.create(buffer, serviceName, filename,
     type: 'wsdl',
     openapiVersion: version,
     defaults: {
       securityDefinitions: {
         clientIdHeader: {
          type: 'apiKey',
          in: 'header',
          name: 'X-IBM-Client-Id',
       security: [ {
         clientIdHeader: []
       } ],
       'x-ibm-configuration': {
          cors: {
            enabled: false
  // The openapi is within result.openapi


* Validates wsdl and rejects with error containing messages.
* @error { "message": <combined message>
*          messages[ {message: <message>}* ]
*        }
* @param locationOrContent location of WSDL or Buffer
* @param options auth and other options.
* @returns promise of serviceData
function validateWSDL(locationOrContent, options);

The validateWSDL method will parse the wsdl/zip and perform some additional semantic validation of the wsdl. Thrown errors list the individual messages

  try {
    catch (err) {
        // Process messages


* Validates xsd and rejects with error containing messages.
* @error { "message": <combined message>
*          messages[ {message: <message>}* ]
*        }
* @param locationOrContent location of XSD or Buffer
* @param options auth and other options.
* @returns promise of serviceData
function validateXSD(locationOrContent, options);

The validateWSDL method will parse the xsd/zip and perform some additional semantic validation of the xsd. Thrown errors list the individual messages

  try {
    catch (err) {
        // Process messages


* Introspect wsdl and rejects with error containing messages.
* @error { "message": <combined message>
*          messages[ {message: <message>}* ]
*        }
* @param locationOrContent location of WSDL or Buffer
* @param options auth and other options.
* @returns promise of serviceData
function introspectWSDL(locationOrContent, options)...

The introspectWSDL api is used to determine which services are in the wsdl.

Example Response
{ portTypes:
   { MyPortTypeType:
      [ { name: 'getStuff', description: undefined },
        { name: 'doStuff', description: undefined } ] },
   { MySOAPBinding:
      { type: 'MyPortType',
        operations: [ 'getStuff', 'doStuff' ] } },
   [ { service: 'MyService',
       filename: 'MyWSDL_1.0.0.wsdl',
        [ { operation: 'getStuff' },
          { operation: 'doStuff' } ] } ] }
  try {
    let serviceData = await.apicWsdl.introspectWSDL(buffer);
    catch (err) {
        // Process serviceData


* addTargetOpenApi
* @param openApi - existing openApi
* @param wsdl - Buffer containing the wsdl/zip or location of the wsdl/zip
* @param wsdlServiceName - Service
* @return promise openApi
function addTargetOpenApi(openapi, wsdl, wsdlServiceName) ..

The addTargetOpenApi api is used to add a target service into an existing openapi.

  • The openapi is the existing openapi (version 2.0 or 3.0)
    • The wsdl is a Buffer, wsdl/zip file location or URL
    • The wsdl service is the name of the target service in the wsdl
    • returns an openapi with the embedded target service.
    let updated_openapi = await.apicWsdl.addTargetOpenApi(openapi, wsdl, service);


* addXSDToTargetOpenApi
* @param openApi - existing openApi
* @param xsd - Buffer containing the xsd or location of the xsd
* @param wsdlServiceName - Service
* @return promise openApi
function addTargetOpenApi(openapi, xsd, wsdlServiceName) ..

The addXSDToTargetOpenApi api is used to add xsd definitions to a target service within an existing openapi.

  • The openapi is the existing openapi (version 2.0 or 3.0)
    • The xsd is a Buffer, xsd/zip file location or URL
    • The wsdl service is the name of the target service in the wsdl
    • returns an openapi with the embedded target service.
    let updated_openapi = await.apicWsdl.addXSDToTargetOpenApi(openapi, xsd, service);


* @param inContent wsdl or zip content (Buffer or String)
* @param serviceEndpoints single or array of endpoint strings
* @param serviceName the wsdl-definition.service string.
* @return (Promise)
*   outContent: wsdl or zip content in a Buffer
*   filename: if zip mode, this is the full name of first wsdl modified within the zip
*   stringContent: in zip mode, this is the string content of filename.
*                  in wsdl mode, this is the string content of the wsdl file
function injectServiceEndpointsIntoWSDLorZIP(inContent, serviceEndpoints, serviceName)..

Use this method to add endpoints into a wsdl/zip file stored on apim. This is used dynamically in the portal when a wsdl is requested.