
apiDog is a API documentation generator alternative to the apiDoc

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apidog from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/apidog';




Build Status

apiDog is a API documentation generator alternative to the apiDoc.


  • Templates for:
    • Minimalistic HTML file with dynamic assets loading
    • Single pre-compiled HTML file with no external dependencies
    • Markdown file
    • Swagger specification file (v1.2, v2.0)
  • Server proxy
  • Send sample request plugin for html template:
    • Transports support:
      • HTTP/HTTPS
      • Nats (via Server proxy)
      • Nats RPC (remote procedure call, via Server proxy)
      • RabbitMQ (via Server proxy)
      • RabbitMQ RPC (remote procedure call, via Server proxy)
      • Redis PUB/SUB (via Server proxy)
      • WebSocket/WebSocket Secure (W3C)
    • Content types support:
      • Form
      • JSON
      • XML
    • Nested typed params
    • Presets (saved requests)
    • Variables

Table of contents


npm i apidog -g


apidog -h


  • --description "description" - Custom description that will be used as a description of the generated documentation

    Default is [ package.json in input directory ].description or null by default.

  • -i, --input "input directory" - Input source(-s) to be scanned for doc blocks

    Can be multiple. Default is current directory.

  • --jsonschema "source" - JSON Schema source(-s) to be loaded for resolving the external references

    Can be multiple.

    apidog -i '@apiSchema {jsonschema=./schemas/my-schema.json#definitions.create} @apiParam' -o my-api/ --parser inline --jsonschema ./schemas/schema1.json --jsonschema ./schemas/schema2.json
  • --ordered - Process titles as ordered titles

    Order index must be in format of "1.2.3." and must start the title. Titles will be sorted numerically by order index, then the order index will be removed.

  • -o, --output "output directory" - Output directory where "apidoc.html" and additional files will be written

    Same as input directory by default.

  • --parser "dir" | "inline" | "swagger" -- Parser to be used to parse the doc blocks sources

    Default is "dir".

    "dir" is used to scan the source files in the provided input directory for the doc blocks.

    apidog --parser dir

    "inline" is used to scan the input as lines of the doc block.

    apidog --parser inline -i "@api {get} /version"

    "swagger" is used to parse the provided Swagger specification sources.

    apidog --parser swagger -i ./api-v1.swagger.json -i ./api-v2.swagger.json
  • -p, --private ["tag"] -- Tags to filter doc blocks having all the private tags or entirely marked as private

    Can be multiple. By default takes all the doc blocks.

  • -s, --sampleRequestUrl, --sampleUrl - Base URL that will be used as a prefix for all relative api paths (of HTTP/HTTPS and WebSocket types) in sample requests

    Default is [ config.json in input directory ].sampleUrl

  • --sampleRequestProxy[:http | :nats | :rabbitmq | :redisPub | :redisSub | :ws] - URL of apiDog proxy to be used to pass requests through it. "http", "nats", "rabbitmq", "redisPub", "redisSub" or "websocket" specifier provides a proxy for the specified transport

  • -t, --template - Alias of the built-in template or the directory where the custom template be load from

    Default is "@html".

    Build-in templates:

    • @html
    • @html.standalone
    • @md
    • @swagger.1.2
    • @swagger.2.0
  • --title - Custom title that will be used as a title of the generated documentation

    Default is [ package.json in input directory ].name, [ config.json in input directory ].title or "Untitled" by default

  • --withSrp, --withSampleRequestProxy ["update"] - Create (not rewrites existing) also "apidog_proxy.js", "apidog_proxy.config.js" and "package.json" in the output directory

    If the above files already exist, they will not be rewritten. To rewrite files use --withSampleRequestProxy=update.

Additional annotations



@apiChapter name

Defines chapter. Can be used to split doc blocks between multiple namespaces.

If @apiDefine declares definition with the same name also includes its title and description.



@apiContentType contentType

Defines content type. Can be defined multiply.

Content type will be used as a filter of the @apiExample content having corresponding {type}. Also the data of the sample request will be formatted according to it. Currently supported data format of the sample request are FORM, JSON and XML.



@apiErrorValue [{type}] value [description]

Describes custom error value.



@apiHeaderValue [{type}] value [description]

Describes custom header value.



@apiFamily uniqueIdentifier

Defines unique identifier of the doc block within its chapter, group and subgroup. It can be used to distinguish between several doc blocks with the same descriptors to show them separately or combine the different doc blocks under versioning.


 * @api {post} /test
 * @apiVersion v1
 * @apiFamily a

 * @api {post} /test
 * @apiVersion v1
 * @apiFamily b

The second one does not override the first and is shown separately.


 * @api {post} /v1/test
 * @apiVersion v1
 * @apiFamily a

 * @api {post} /v2/test
 * @apiVersion v2
 * @apiFamily a

The second one is combined with the first and is shown under version.



@apiNote title

Adds note section that describes some additional information.

Can be used with @apiDescription.



@apiParamPrefix prefix

Prefixes all following @apiParams with prefix.

This allows also to reuse lists of apiParams between different doc blocks.


 * @apiDefine sharedParams
 * @apiParam a
 * @apiParam b
 * @apiParam c

 * @api {post} test1
 * @apiDescription Parameters are prefixed by "body" - body.a, body.b, body.c
 * @apiParamPrefix body.
 * @apiUse sharedParams

 * @api {post} test2
 * @apiDescription Parameters are prefixed by "payload" - payload.a, payload.b, payload.c
 * @apiParamPrefix payload.
 * @apiUse sharedParams


@apiParamValue [{type}] value [description]

Describes custom parameter value.



@apiSchema [(group)] {jsonschema=pathToFile[#internal.path]} @apiParam
@apiSchema [(group)] {swagger=pathToFile#internal.path.to.api} operationNickname
@apiSchema [(group)] {swagger=pathToFile#internal.path.to.model} @apiParam

Uses external schema to fill doc block.

"jsonschema" also allows to use $ref definitions within schema. "swagger" generates doc block by api operation or @apiParam list by model.



@apiSampleRequestOption key [val=true]

Defines custom options for the internal usage of the "Send sample request" plug-in.

xmlRoot - defines root namespace for params have to be send as XML. If data structure is a plain object and have to be sent in XML format it should be wrapped into root namespace.



@apiSampleRequestVariable [(namespace)] [{responsePath}] field[=defaultValue]

Defines variable of the "Send sample request" plug-in that can be used globally via placeholders in the @apiHeader or @apiParam values.

  • namespace - name of the global bucket in which the variable value is stored
  • responsePath - path inside the response data to the variable value, this value will be assigned to the variable automatically after the response
  • field - variable name


 * @api {post} /login
 * @apiSampleRequestVariable {data.accessToken} accessToken

 * @api {get} /goods
 * @apiHeader {String} Authorization="Bearer @accessToken"

Example with global bucket:

 * @api {post} /login
 * @apiSampleRequestVariable (accessBucket) {data.accessToken} accessToken

 * @api {get} /goods
 * @apiHeader {String} Authorization="Bearer @accessBucket:accessToken"


@apiSubgroup name

Defines to which subgroup the doc block belongs. The subgroup will be shown as a sub navigation section of the menu.



@apiSuccessValue [{type}] value [description]

Describes custom success value.

Built-in templates

@html (default)
apidog -t @html

Complies to:

  • apidoc.html - main index file
  • apidoc.data.min.js - API data
  • apidoc.i18n.min.js - I18N translations
  • apidoc.min.js - bootstrap
  • apidoc.template.min.js - handlebars template
  • handlebars.min.js - handlebars bundle
apidog -t @html.standalone

Compiles to standalone html file without external dependencies.

apidog -t @md

Compiles to markdown file.

apidog -t @swagger.1.2

Compiles to Swagger v1.2 specification JSON file.

apidog -t @swagger.2.0

Compiles to Swagger v2.0 specification JSON file.

Server proxy

The proxy can be created by providing --withSampleRequestProxy CLI flag:

apidog --withSampleRequestProxy

After which the following files will be copied to the output directory:

  • apidog_proxy.js - start script file
  • apidog_proxy.config.js - configuration file
  • package.json

Configuration file is a js script that by default exports the object with next parameters:

  • allowPresets - enables presets support for the built-in HTML template particularly

  • presetsDir - directory where the presets are located

  • http - HTTP/HTTPS configuration section:

    • allow - allowes proxing HTTP/HTTPS requests, also allows running of HTTP/HTTPS proxy
    • allowHeaders - list of allowed headers
    • proxyPort - the port that the HTTP/HTTPS proxy is listening on
  • nats - Nats configuration section:

    • allow - allowes proxing Nats requests, depends on http section

    • [connection alias] - connection URI or settings to be used if its alias is passed


      module.exports = {
        nats: {
          connectionA: "nats://username:password@ip:4222",

      URI passed to the proxy:

  • rabbitmq - RabbitMQ configuration section:

    • allow - allowes proxing RabbitMQ requests, depends on http section

    • allowHeaders - list of allowed headers

    • drivers - the drivers to be used for custom operations:

      • rpc - RPC (Remote Procedure Call) driver, "amqplibRpc" is only supported
    • [connection alias] - connection URI or settings to be used if its alias is passed


      module.exports = {
        rabbitmq: {
          connectionA: "amqp://username:password@ip:5672/virtualHost",

      URI passed to the proxy:

  • redis - Redis configuration section:

    • allow - allowes proxing Radis requests

    • [connection alias] - connection URI or settings to be used if its alias is passed


      module.exports = {
        redis: {
          connectionA: "redis://ip:6379",

      URI passed to the proxy:

  • websocket - WebSocket configuration section:

    • allow - allowes proxing WebSocket requests, also allows running of WebSocket proxy

    • proxyPort - the port that the WebSocket proxy is listening on

    • [connection alias] - connection URI or settings to be used if its alias is passed


      module.exports = {
        websocket: {
          connectionA: "ws://ip:9999",

      URI passed to the proxy:


@html template "Send sample request" plug-in

"Send sample request" plug-in allows to do sample requests with arbitrary or structured data via various transports.

Nats, RabbitMQ, and Redis

To send sample requests through the transports such as Nats, RabbitMQ, and Redis use the Server proxy.

@api annotation format for Nats PUB:

 * @api {natsPub} endpoint

@api annotation format for Nats RPC:

 * @api {natsRpc} endpoint

@api annotation format for RabbitMQ PUB:

 * @api {rabbitmqPub[:exchange]} endpoint

@api annotation format for RabbitMQ RPC:

 * @api {rabbitmqRpc[:exchange]} endpoint

@api annotation format for Redis PUB:

 * @api {redisPub} endpoint

@api annotation format for Redis SUB:

 * @api {redisSub} endpoint
WebSocket and HTTP/HTTPS

The WebSocket and HTTP/HTTPS requests also can be sent via Server proxy optionally.