Example Tools for Apigee Edge
These are example tools implemented in nodejs/Javascript, that use the apigee-edge-js library.
They all can retrieve credentials from a .netrc file, or you can pass in user credentials interactively. Also, they use the OAuth authentication mechanism for Apigee Edge.
These tools are not an official Google product, nor are they part of an official Google product, nor are they included under any Google support contract. Support is available on a best-effort basis via github or .
Common options
All of the scripts in this directory support some common options, where appropriate. These are:
-M, --mgmtserver=ARG the base path, including optional port, of the Edge mgmt server. Defaults to .
-u, --username=ARG org user with permissions to read Edge configuration.
-p, --password=ARG password for the org user.
-n, --netrc retrieve the username + password from the .netrc file. In lieu of -u/-p
-o, --org=ARG the Edge organization.
-Z, --ssoZone=ARG specify the SSO zone to use when authenticating.
-C, --passcode=ARG specify the passcode to use when authenticating.
-T, --notoken do not try to obtain an oauth token.
-v, --verbose
-h, --help
For example, to list developers for an organization, if you have a passcode, then you can do this:
node ./listAndQueryDevelopers.js -v -o orgname -Z zonename -C passcodehere
You do not need to pass a username if using a passcode to obtain a token.
Also: the underlying apigee-edge-js library caches access tokens, so ... you will not need a passcode for each script invocation. Subsequent script invocations will use the cached token. Just pass the zonename and user:
node ./listAndQueryDevelopers.js -v -u -o orgname -Z zonename
Be aware that when the refresh token expires, you will need a new passcode to get a new token.
Import a proxy
Import a proxy, using a bundle zip as the source. Derive the name for the proxy from the *.xml in the apiproxy directory:
./importAndDeploy.js -n -v -o $ORG -d ../bundles/
Import a proxy, using an exploded directory as the source. Derive the name from the *.xml in the apiproxy directory:
./importAndDeploy.js -n -v -o $ORG -d ../bundles/oauth2-cc
Import, but override the name specified in the proxy XML file in the apiproxy dir:
./importAndDeploy.js -n -v -o $ORG -d ../bundles/oauth2-cc -N demo-oauth2-cc
Import and Deploy a proxy
Deploy to one environment:
./importAndDeploy.js -n -v -o $ORG -d ../bundles/protected-by-oauth -e $ENV
Deploy to multiple environments:
./importAndDeploy.js -n -v -o $ORG -d ../bundles/protected-by-oauth -e test,prod
Import and Deploy a sharedflow
./importAndDeploy.js -n -v -o $ORG -d ../bundles/sharedflow-1 -e main -S
Undeploy all revisions of a proxy from all environments
.//undeployAndMaybeDelete.js -v -n -o $ORG -P jsonpath-extract
Undeploy all revisions of a proxy and delete it
.//undeployAndMaybeDelete.js -v -n -o $ORG -P jsonpath-extract -D
Create a product
./provisionApiProduct.js -n -v -o $ORG -p $PROXY -N $PRODUCTNAME
Create a developer
./createDeveloper.js -n -v -o $ORG -E $EMAIL -F $FIRST -L $LAST
Create a developer app
./createDeveloperApp.js -n -v -o $ORG -N DemoApp1 -E -p Demo-Product-1
Delete a developer app
./deleteDeveloperApp.js -n -v -o $ORG -N DemoApp3 -E
Export a set of proxies with a name matching a RegExp pattern
./exportApi.js -n -v -o $ORG -P ^r.\*
If you want to just see which proxies would be exported, you can use the -T option.
./exportApi.js -n -v -o $ORG -P ^r.\* -T
Export all proxies in an org
This just uses a regex pattern that matches all names.
./exportApi.js -n -v -o $ORG -P .
Export a single named proxy
In lieu of the -P (pattern) option you can use -N (name) for a specific proxy.
./exportApi.js -n -v -o $ORG -N runload
By defaut the script will export the latest revision of the proxy. If you know the revision you'd like to export, you can use the -R option to specify it.
./exportApi.js -n -v -o $ORG -N runload -R 3
Find all proxies that have a vhost with name matching "default"
node ./findVhostsForDeployedProxies.js -n -v -o $ORG -R default
Revoke a developer app by key
node ./revokeOrApprove.js -n -v -o $ORG -k dc79ee0e4b95b74adef42d63a5c6 -R
Revoke a developer app by developer email and app name
node ./revokeOrApprove.js -n -v -o $ORG -d -a appnamehere -R
Add (import) a credential to an existing developer app
./addAppCredential.js -v -n -o $ORG -A AppName-20180803 -E -p ProductName -C Unique_Credential_Here_1983983XYZ123ABCDE
Load a PEM as a value into a KVM (maybe encrypted)
./loadPemIntoKvm.js -n -v -o $ORG -e ENVNAME -m KVM_MAP_NAME -F ./public.pem -N NAME_OF_VALUE
Resource Tool
$ node ./resourceTool.js -v -n -o $ORG -A list -e test
Edge API resourcefile tool, version: 20190306-0851
Node.js v10.15.1
[2019-Mar-06 08:43:16] start
[2019-Mar-06 08:43:16] connect: {"orgname":"therealdinochiesa2-eval","loginBaseUrl":"","user":"","mgmtServer":""}
[2019-Mar-06 08:43:16] found stashed token.
[2019-Mar-06 08:43:16] valid and not expired
[2019-Mar-06 08:43:16] GET
[2019-Mar-06 08:43:17] status: 200
"resourceFile": [
"name": "ScalCustomerOrder_ConvertSVToPKNamespace.xsl",
"type": "xsl"
"name": "ScalCustomerOrder_ConvertPKToSVNamespace.xsl",
"type": "xsl"
"name": "PKScalCustomerOrderService_1.wsdl",
"type": "wsdl"
"name": "SVScalCustomerOrderService_1.wsdl",
"type": "wsdl"
$ node ./resourceTool.js -v -n -o $ORG -A get -e test -t xsl -N ScalCustomerOrder_ConvertPKToSVNamespace.xsl
Edge API resourcefile tool, version: 20190306-0851
Node.js v10.15.1
[2019-Mar-06 08:43:13] start
[2019-Mar-06 08:43:13] connect: {"orgname":"therealdinochiesa2-eval","loginBaseUrl":"","user":"","mgmtServer":""}
[2019-Mar-06 08:43:13] found stashed token.
[2019-Mar-06 08:43:13] valid and not expired
[2019-Mar-06 08:43:13] GET
[2019-Mar-06 08:43:13] status: 200
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:pk="" >
<!--Identity transform-->
<xsl:template match="@* | node()">
<xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()"/>
<!--replace namespace of elements from PK to SV-->
<xsl:template match="pk:*">
<xsl:element name="pk:{local-name()}" namespace="">
<xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()"/>
$ node ./resourceTool.js -v -n -o $ORG -e test -A create -F ./resourcefiles/xsl/apigee-edgejs-test-lowerCaseElements.xsl
Edge API resourcefile tool, version: 20190306-0851
Node.js v10.15.1
[2019-Mar-06 08:48:35] start
[2019-Mar-06 08:48:35] connect: {"orgname":"therealdinochiesa2-eval","loginBaseUrl":"","user":"","mgmtServer":""}
[2019-Mar-06 08:48:35] found stashed token.
[2019-Mar-06 08:48:35] valid and not expired
[2019-Mar-06 08:48:35] POST
[2019-Mar-06 08:48:36] status: 201
[2019-Mar-06 08:48:36] Create result: {"name":"apigee-edgejs-test-lowerCaseElements.xsl","type":"xsl"}
"name": "apigee-edgejs-test-lowerCaseElements.xsl",
"type": "xsl"
$ node ./resourceTool.js -v -n -o $ORG -e test -A update -F ./resourcefiles/xsl/apigee-edgejs-test-lowerCaseElements.xsl
Edge API resourcefile tool, version: 20190306-0851
Node.js v10.15.1
[2019-Mar-06 08:48:53] start
[2019-Mar-06 08:48:53] connect: {"orgname":"therealdinochiesa2-eval","loginBaseUrl":"","user":"","mgmtServer":""}
[2019-Mar-06 08:48:53] found stashed token.
[2019-Mar-06 08:48:53] valid and not expired
[2019-Mar-06 08:48:53] PUT
[2019-Mar-06 08:48:55] status: 200
[2019-Mar-06 08:48:55] Update result: {"name":"apigee-edgejs-test-lowerCaseElements.xsl","type":"xsl"}
"name": "apigee-edgejs-test-lowerCaseElements.xsl",
"type": "xsl"
$ node ./resourceTool.js -v -n -o $ORG -e test -A delete -N apigee-edgejs-test-lowerCaseElements.xsl -t xsl
Edge API resourcefile tool, version: 20190306-0851
Node.js v10.15.1
[2019-Mar-06 08:52:55] start
[2019-Mar-06 08:52:55] connect: {"orgname":"therealdinochiesa2-eval","loginBaseUrl":"","user":"","mgmtServer":""}
[2019-Mar-06 08:52:55] found stashed token.
[2019-Mar-06 08:52:55] valid and not expired
[2019-Mar-06 08:52:55] DELETE
[2019-Mar-06 08:52:56] status: 200