
A CLI for Administering Apigee Edge Organizations

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apigeeOrgAdmin from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/apigee-org-admin';



Used to administrate apigee organizations: orgs, pods, apis, developers ... all of it.

Example usage

apigeeOrgAdmin -o acme -b http://{managementServerHost}:{managementServerPort} -u user@mail.com -c export -d ~/testDest

Or you can leave off the -b and it will assume the apigee cloud


Pretty straightforward options

  • -o -> organization
  • -b -> baseurl (if not defined it assumes https://api.enterprise.apigee.com )
  • -u -> your username for login
  • -c -> command: import or export.
  • -d -> destination directory
  • -D -> turn on verbose logging info
  • -l -> supply your own comma delimited list for export/import (should be based of api mgmt uri paths)

for example -l apiproducts,apps,developers

This should export everything into the destination directory.

Import Mode

Import mode is now working for most things. I need to clean up how and when I recurse for additional data so that I can get things like key/value maps and host alias support working as desired. It is working well for proxies, apiproducts, developers and so on.