
This is a Node CLI tool that allows you to make HTTP GET/POST request to REST APIs. It expects as parameter a JSON file `config.json` ,which contains the request URL and credentials necessary to make the requests. By default, responses to GET and POST req

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apigwCicdCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/apigw-cicd-cli';




To install apigw-cicd-cli locally:

npm i apigw-cicd-cli

To install apigw-cicd-cli globally:

npm i -g apigw-cicd-cli

To install the latest version of apigw-cicd-cli:

npm i apigw-cicd-cli@latest


This is a Node CLI tool that allows you to make HTTP GET/POST request to REST APIs. It expects as parameter a JSON file config.json ,which contains the request URL and credentials necessary to make the requests. By default, responses to GET and POST requests will be saved as getResponse.zip and postResponse.zip respectively in the current directory. Additionally, the CLI can also be used to copy a file from a src folder to a dest folder.



  1. Command argument within [] are optional and those within <> are mandatory.
  2. All commands have a broader and a shorter version. Example: export command can be wriiten as e
  3. All command arguments have a broader (starts with --) and a shorter version (starts with -). Example: --filename command argument can be written as -n

To make a GET request:

apigw-cicd-cli export <path-to-config.json-file> [--downloadDir <download-directory>] [--filename <name-for-response-file>] [--no-force]


apigw-cicd-cli e <path-to-config.json-file> [-d <download-directory>] [-n <name-for-response-file>] [--no-force]

To make a POST request:

apigw-cicd-cli import <path-to-config.json-file> <path-to-attachment-file> [--downloadDir <download-directory>] [--filename <name-for-response-file>] [--no-force]


apigw-cicd-cli i <path-to-config.json-file> <path-to-attachment-file> [-d <download-directory>] [-n <name-for-response-file>] [--no-force]

Note: attachment is expected to be a .zip file

To copy a file from a src to a dest folder:

apigw-cicd-cli copy <complete-path-to-file> <download-directory> [--force]


apigw-cicd-cli cp <complete-path-to-file> <download-directory> [-f]

To see help:

apigw-cicd-cli --help
Usage: apigw-cicd-cli <command> <command-arguments> [options]

Global Options:
  -V, --version                               output the version number
  -h, --help                                  display help for command

  export|e <path-to-config.json-file> [options]		                    Send a GET request
  import|i <path-to-config.json-file> <path-to-attachment-file> [options]   Send a POST request
  copy|cp <path-to-file> <download-directory> [force] 	                    Copy a file from a src folder to a dest folder
  --help               				                            Display help for commands and options
  --version                                                                 Output the version number

Options for `export` and `import` commands:
  -d, --downloadDir <dir>  Set download directory for GET response (default: "C:\\Users\\nlas\\Desktop\\Workspace\\API-Gateway-CICD-CLI")
  --no-force               By default, duplicates are overwritten. But if --no-force is specifed, a new file will be created.
  -n, --filename <name>    Name to save GET response with (default: "getResponse")
  -h, --help               display help for command

Options for `copy` command:
  --no-force  By default, duplicates are overwritten. But if --no-force is specifed, a new file will be created.
  -h, --help  display help for command


The config.json file should have the following format:

{ "url": "https://www.example.com/rest-endpoint", "username": "user", "password": "pass" }

Note: Currently, this tool only supports Basic Authentication.






This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE.md file for details

These tools are provided as-is and without warranty or support. They do not constitute part of the Software AG product suite. Users are free to use, fork and modify them, subject to the license agreement. While Software AG welcomes contributions, we cannot guarantee to include every contribution in the master project.

Contact us at TECHcommunity if you have any questions.