A simple rest interface to node-apn ( It's intention is to build a microservice for sending APNS pushes without dealing with implementation details in the client application.
npm install apn-rest
Example configuration
module.exports = {
pidfile: '/tmp/',
http: {
host: 0,
port: 8089,
log: {
debug: true
apn: {
key: "/path/to/key.p8",
keyId: "T0K3NK3Y1D",
teamId: "T34M1D",
apn-rest -c /path/to/configuration
By default, apn-rest is logging to stdout
REST Interface
There are 3 routes:
GET /ping
Will answer with a 200 OK, used to check for service health
POST /send
Send an APNS message.
curl -d '{"deviceToken":"8e08678bb5f10ddce5e7295a474558f6bc69c7d039a3b120e59aedfce0b697fc","notification":{"topic": "your-app-bundle-id", "alert": "Some message"}}'
A notification is a JSON object accepting the following fields:
- expiry (default: 0)
- badge: Badge counter (default: empty)
- sound: Played sound (default: empty)
- alert: Alert message (default: empty)
- payload: Custom payload (default: {})
- topic: APNS topic, required
POST /send/sandbox
Same as /send, but uses sandbox environment