
An Apollo link for firestore.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apolloLinkFirebaseFirestore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/apollo-link-firebase-firestore';



an Apollo link to firebase's firestore.


This Apollo link uses directives to provide hints within the query on how to interface with firestore. The following directives can be used in queries and mutations.

  • @field
  • @mutation
  • @query
  • @ref

Common directive arguments


@field is only permitted on leaf fields.

  • key: String | true (optional)

key saves the result of the field it is attached to in a special data bag that can be used in other parts of the query using the format $field{key}. When true, the fieldName will be used as the key name.

  • serverTimestamps: 'estimate' | 'previous' | 'none' (optional)

controls the return value for server timestamps (see SnapshotOptions for more details)


  • dataArg
  • dataVar
  • merge
  • mergeFields
  • mutationType



similar to @field but not permitted on leaf fields, similar to @query but does not include rootType and is only valid for sub-collections on a document. ref can be used to control how sub components of the query interact with firestore.