
Query JSON API compliant services with GraphQL

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apolloLinkJsonApi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/apollo-link-json-api';


JSON API Link Build Status codecov


An Apollo Link to easily use GraphQL with a JSON API compliant server.

Built on top of apollo-link-rest. If you have a non-JSON API REST service, check that out as an alternative.


npm install apollo-link-json-api apollo-link graphql graphql-anywhere qs humps --save

# or

yarn add apollo-link-json-api apollo-link graphql graphql-anywhere qs humps

apollo-link, graphql, qs, humps, and graphql-anywhere are peer dependencies needed by apollo-link-json-api.



import { JsonApiLink } from "apollo-link-json-api";
// Other necessary imports...

// Create a JsonApiLink for the JSON API
// If you are using multiple link types, jsonApiLink should go before httpLink,
// as httpLink will swallow any calls that should be routed through jsonApi!
const jsonApiLink = new JsonApiLink({
  uri: 'http://jsonapiplayground.reyesoft.com/v2/',

// Configure the ApolloClient with the default cache and JsonApiLink
const client = new ApolloClient({
  link: jsonApiLink,
  cache: new InMemoryCache(),

// A simple query to retrieve data about the first author
const query = gql`
  query firstAuthor {
    author @jsonapi(path: "authors/1") {

// Invoke the query and log the person's name
client.query({ query }).then(response => {

Advanced Querying

JSON API Link supports unpacking related resources into a friendlier GraphQL query structure.

const query = gql`
  query firstAuthor {
    author @jsonapi(path: "authors/1?include=series,series.books") {
      series {
        books {

While JSON API Link does support running multiple nested queries, prefer sideloading resources in a single request by using the ?include parameter if your JSON API server supports it.

// Avoid this
const badQuery = gql`
  query firstAuthor {
    author @jsonapi(path: "authors/1") {
      series @jsonapi(path: "authors/1/series") {

// Prefer this
const query = gql`
  query firstAuthor {
    author @jsonapi(path: "authors/1?include=series") {
      series {


import React from 'react'
import gql from 'graphql-tag'
import { Mutation } from 'react-apollo'

export const UPDATE_BOOK_TITLE = gql`
  mutation UpdateBookTitle($input: UpdateBookTitleInput!) {
    book(input: $input) @jsonapi(path: "/books/{args.input.data.id}", method: "PATCH") {

const UpdateBookTitleButton = ({ bookId }) => (
    update={(store, { data: { book } }) => {
      // Update your Apollo cache with result
    {mutate => (
      <button onClick={() => 
          variables: {
            input: {
              data: {
                id: bookId,
                type: 'books',
                attributes: { title: 'Changed title!' }
          optimisticResponse: {
            book: {
              __typename: 'books',
              title: 'Changed title!'
        Update your book title!


JSON API Link takes an object with some options on it to customize the behavior of the link. The options you can pass are outlined below:

  • uri: the URI key is a string endpoint (optional when endpoints provides a default)
  • endpoints: root endpoint (uri) to apply paths to or a map of endpoints
  • customFetch: a custom fetch to handle API calls
  • headers: an object representing values to be sent as headers on the request
  • credentials: a string representing the credentials policy you want for the fetch call
  • fieldNameNormalizer: function that takes the response field name and converts it into a GraphQL compliant name
  • fieldNameDenormalizer: function that takes the JavaScript object key name and converts it into a JSON API compliant name
  • typeNameNormalizer: function that takes the JSON API resource type and converts it to a GraphQL __typename.


JSON API Link uses the headers field on the context to allow passing headers to the HTTP request. It also supports the credentials field for defining credentials policy.

  • headers: an object representing values to be sent as headers on the request
  • credentials: a string representing the credentials policy you want for the fetch call

Accessing metadata and links

By default, this library flattens your server response. If you need to access values that are unavailable by this simple querying method, you can add includeJsonapi: true to your @jsonapi directive, which will instead return the flattened "GraphQL-like" structure under a graphql key, and the original response structure under a jsonapi key. Resources are still nested in a tree structure under the jsonapi key, but data/attribute/relatioship keys are not flattened out.

query authorsWithMeta {
  authors @jsonapi(path: "authors?include=series", includeJsonapi: true) {
    graphql {
      series {

    jsonapi {
      meta {
      links {
      // The resource data is available here, though it's probably easier to
      // grab from the `graphql` structure
      data {
        attributes {
        relationships {
          series {
            data {
              attributes {
            links {


This project uses TypeScript to bring static types to JavaScript and uses Jest for testing. To get started, clone the repo and run the following commands:

npm install # or `yarn`

npm test # or `yarn test` to run tests
npm test -- --watch # run tests in watch mode

npm run check-types # or `yarn check-types` to check TypeScript types

To run the library locally in another project, you can do the following:

npm link

# in the project you want to run this in
npm link apollo-link-json-api