
Apollo Link for token refresh of JWT or Opaque tokens

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apolloLinkOpaqueRefresh from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/apollo-link-opaque-refresh';


apollo-link-opaque-refresh npm version minzip

npm i apollo-link-opaque-refresh

Apollo Link to handle expired tokens (both JWT and opaque tokens) on auth-expired requests.

What it does

This link operates bi-directionally. When a query responds with an error, a handler is triggered to determine whether that response conforms to a "token expired" error.

If the request is deemed to be a token expiry, the query will be queued for re-attempt, and the token refresh handler will be started.

While the token is being refreshed, all requests attempted will be paused and queued before hitting terminating link. Once the token refresh is finished (either successful refresh or failure to refresh) the queue will be processed and all requests will be resumed.

What it doesn't do

This link does not check the token before sending queries. It operates on responses, therefore allowing a silent refresh mechanism for all types of tokens. It will pause outgoing queries if an active refresh is present. This is useful if your token expiry offset is unreliable on client or your tokens are using a proprietary format.

If you want to refresh and queue your queries prior to making a failing request, try newsiberian/apollo-link-token-refresh

Quick Start

  refreshToken: async () => {
    try {
      await performSomeTokenRefresh();
    } catch (error) {
      throw error;
  shouldRefresh: ({ operation, result, networkError }) => {
    return networkError?.statusCode === 401;


The link takes a single options object with the following required properties:

property description
refreshToken () => Promise Implements your token refresh mechanism. Throw an error if unable to refresh. Successful resolve implies token was refreshed and is available to further links.
shouldRefresh ({ operation, result, networkError }) => boolean Using the provided values should determine whether the response warrants a token refresh.