
Provides an extension for Apollo server to integrate with New Relic agent

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apolloNewrelicExt from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/apollo-newrelic-ext';



Provides an extension for Apollo server to integrate with New Relic agent

Installing & Configuring Drone CLI

Before you can publish a package to NPM you will need to first install the Drone CLI.

We are currently using version v0.8.6 to deploy our packages as it contains the drone deploy command.


First we need to download the specific version of the CLI we would like to use:

$ curl -L https://github.com/drone/drone-cli/releases/download/v0.8.6/drone_darwin_amd64.tar.gz | tar zx

Once the files have downloaded we will now copy it to our /bin folder so it can be used within the terminal:

$ sudo cp drone /usr/local/bin

If you now restart your terminal and run drone --help the command should be available.


Now we have the CLI installed we need to configure it to our Drone server.

In order to do this we need to find your server address and token:

export DRONE_SERVER=https://drone.daznplatform.com
  • You will now need to open one of the following files: .bash_profile, .bash_rc or .zshrc
  • At the bottom paste the content containing DRONE_SERVER and DRONE_TOKEN
  • Save the file and restart your terminal to ensure the changes have taken effect

Publishing a package

Once you have made changes to a package, you will need to publish the updated package. To do this you need to:

drone deploy getndazn/apollo-newrelic-ext [build-number] --param VERSION_BUMP_TYPE=[version-bump-type]

Example deploy command:

drone deploy getndazn/apollo-newrelic-ext 73 --param VERSION_BUMP_TYPE=patch

Once this command has been run, drone should commit back to this repo and update the version of the package you have published. If you need to publish multiple packages, make sure to use the new build number once drone has committed back to the repo.

You can view the NPM package links above to check your version has been published.