
rethinkdbdash driver for apollo-passport

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apolloPassportRethinkdbdash from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/apollo-passport-rethinkdbdash';



rethinkdbdash driver for apollo-passport

npm Circle CI Coverage Status MIT License

Copyright (c) 2016 by Gadi Cohen, released under the MIT license.


import rethinkdbdash from 'rethinkdbdash';
import RethinkDBDashDriver from 'apollo-passport-rethinkdbdash';

// However you usually create your "r" instance
const r = rethinkdbdash({
  db: "myApp",
  servers: [ { host, port } ]

// Pass to apollo passport at creation time
const apolloPassport = new ApolloPassport({
  // along with any other relevant options
  db: new RethinkDBDashDriver(r)

Optional parameters, e.g. if your users table is called something else:

new RethinkDBDashDriver(r, {
  userTableName: 'users',
  configTableName: 'apolloPassportConfig',
  db: '(override default database given to rethinkdbdash)'

See apollo-passport for more info.

Create your own DBDriver

This package is fully documented with 100% test coverage. It can be used as a basis for creating other DBDrivers for Apollo Passport.

See also the API Docs, ordered by version and viewable online via rawgit, e.g. v0.0.2 API Docs on RawGit.