
DynamoDB implementation of KeyValueCache for apollo-server-caching

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apolloServerCacheDynamodb from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/apollo-server-cache-dynamodb';



npm version CircleCI

This package exports an implementation of KeyValueCache that allows using AWS DynamoDB as a backing store for resource caching in Data Sources.

Important Note!

aws-sdk is included as a peerDependency in order to help keep the package size small for deployment to AWS Lambda environments, where the sdk is available as part of the runtime.


const DynamoDB = require('aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb');
const { DynamoDBCache } = require('apollo-server-cache-dynamodb');

const client = new DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
const cacheOpts = {
  tableName: 'KeyValueCache', // default, table name
  partitionKeyName: 'CacheKey', // default, partition key, must be type S
  valueAttribute: 'CacheValue', // default, value attribute, must be type S
  ttlAttribute: 'CacheTTL', // default, ttl attribute, must be type N
  defaultTTL: 300, // default, ttl in seconds

const server = new ApolloServer({
  cache: new DynamoDBCache(client, cacheOpts),
  dataSources: () => ({
    moviesAPI: new MoviesAPI(),