
Demo: https://joel-ou.github.io/APopupsGalleryDemo/ # *It is still under test. Do not use it in production environment *&&&*** Try not to use it on PC, It's for mobile

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apopupsGallery from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/apopups-gallery';


Demo: https://joel-ou.github.io/APopupsGalleryDemo/

*It is still under test. Do not use it in production environment

&&&** Try not to use it on PC, It's for mobile

Before starting

Before using, you need to know about vuejs and vue's single-file component development

Getting started

Step1: install by npm

npm install apopups-gallery -S

Step2: import gallery vue component

import gallery from "apopups-gallery";

Step3: Add to vuejs components

components: { gallery }

Step4: useing gallery component on your vue page

<gallery :imageDatas="imageDatas" :index="0" :show="isShow" @onClose="isShow=false"></gallery>

More info:

see here https://joel-ou.github.io/APopupsGalleryDemo/