
A simple mobile application banner for you website

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import appBanner from '';


Ombori App Banner

The lightweight mobile application banner for your website



Easy to use, free, open-source configurable application banner for your website.

How does it work?

When a customer visits your site, Desktop users are sent an SMS with a link to download your app. Mobile users are automatically directed to the appropriate app store.

After a user has seen the app install banner, it won’t reappear. This ensures that the UX of your site is not degraded in any way.


External script

Just include this snippet in your website main page.

  (function () {
    var appleId = 'id1234567890';
    var googleId = 'com.yourcompany.yourapp';
    var placement = 'bottom-left';
    var s = document.createElement('script');
    s.type = 'text/javascript';
    s.async = true; = 'TheAppBanner';
    s.src = '' + placement + '&apple=' + appleId + '&google=' + googleId;
    var x = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
    x.parentNode.insertBefore(s, x);

Npm package

Alternatively you can use the App Banner via npm package

npm install --save app-banner
var appBanner = require('app-banner');
// - or -
import appBanner from 'app-banner';

  apple: 'id1234567890',
  google: 'com.youcompany.yourapp',
  placement: 'bottom-left',

React component

Also you can use the App Banner as a React component

npm install --save app-banner
import AppBanner from 'app-banner/src';

  <AppBanner google="com.youcompany.yourapp" apple="id1234567890" position="bottom-left" />


  • apple or a - App Store ID of your application
  • google or g - Google Play ID of your application
  • placement or p - Banner position on screen. Possible values are 'top-left', 'top-right', 'bottom-left' or 'bottom-right'. Default value is 'bottom-right'. Only applies to desktop version of banner.
  • minimize or m - Banner behaviour when user dismisses the banner. When minimized, the banner will display smaller version of itself instead of completly dissapear. Possible values are 'yes', 'no' and 'mobile'. When 'mobile' is specified, the banner will be minimized if shown on mobile device and completely dissapear on desktop. Default value is 'yes'.
  • noTrack or n - Do not track usage statistics. false by default.
  • text[CC] or t[CC] - Alternate text to display on the desktop banner. CC is two-letter language code like text[en] or text[ru].

Note: shorthand parameters like a, g or p are only supported in script URL when App Banner is used via external script.