
This is the appdate bot module

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import appdateBot from '';


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Appdate Bot Module

This is the module you need to use when creating a new Appdate bot runner.

To create a new Bot runner module, let's say for the project foobar:

  • Create a new directory (es: mkdir appdate-my-project-bot)
  • run npm init and answer the questions as follows
    • the name of the bot should be 'appdate-my-project-bot'
    • the version should be 0.0.1
    • enter a brief description ("This is the bot runner for...")
    • the entry point is index.js
    • the test command can be left empty
    • git repository can be left empty (the bot will be included as part of the main Appdate project)
    • keywords are appdate, appdate-bot, foobar
    • author is... you
    • license should be MIT or BSD
  • run npm install appdate-bot --save
  • run touch index.js

Now open up index.js with your favourite text editor and start writing your bot runner.

Your module must export just a run method which accepts a callback. Once the bot finishes its job, you will call the callback using the conventional nodejs way that is first the error parameter and then the bot object itself.

For example:

var bot = require('appdate-bot');

var bot = new Bot({
    group: 'Foobar',
    name: 'Foobar 1.x',
    description: 'The Foobar project, version 1.x',
    website: '',
    repository: ''

module.exports = {

  run: function (cb) {


        .then(function (response) {

            var $tags = response.$('#container > li');

            bot.set('releaseDate', $tags.find('time').attr('datetime'));
            bot.set('currentVersion', $tags.find('h3 > a > .tag-name').text());
            bot.set('downloadUrl', '', bot.get('currentVersion'));
            bot.set('downloadPage', '');
            bot.set('releaseNotesUrl', '');

            cb(null, bot);

        .catch(function (err) {
            cb(err, bot);