
AppDev Core JavaScript Modules

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import appdev from '';


AppDev Core JavaScript Libraries

This is an NPM package in which we store our shared JavaScript code. These abstractions are usually common to all our JavaScript backends.

  • AppDevRouter - an abstraction for Express routers
  • AppDevAPI - an abstraction of an Express web API
  • ChronicleSession - an abstraction of the Chronicle logging tool
  • RegisterSession - an abstraction of the Register tool


To install the latest version of this package into your Node.js project, run the following in the root of your project

npm install git+


To build, run the following:

npm install
npm run build

This will build the latest version of the library. You can npm link this library globally, and then test its functionality in other Node.js projects by linking the package (npm link appdev).