Apple Martini
🍏🍹 About Apple Martini :
🍏 Apple Martini was designed to be imported to your sass/scss styling within your projects. Create quick designs using the flex and grid mixins for your layouts that have been provided. The whole project is to promote using your own code for styling rather than relying of css frameworks like bootstrap, tailwind, bulma and semantic to create components. Use the powers of sass/scss and this mixin library to your advantage to limit the amount of work needed to get great layouts and designs. This is made by a developer for developers. This library was made to me small and compact. Easy syntax referencing and straight forward approach to styling components. From me to all of you.
🍹 Enjoy and cheers!
UI Mixins for quicker sass/scss development
- Grid
- Flexbox
- Colors
- Theme
- Positions
NPM Package
npm i apple-martini
To Import Apple Martini Into A Project
@import "./node_modules/apple-martini/src/scss/apple-martini.scss";
API references and documents for mixins:
API references for color variables: