
Applicaster js utilities package

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import applicasterUtils from '';



Set of utilities for Applicaster javascript project.

How to use

  • install with npm
$ npm i -S applicaster-utils
  • import in your js code
import utils from "applicaster-utils";

const UQUrlWithPayload = '' // ...
const UQJsonFile = utils.decodePayloadFromUrl(UQUrlWithPayload);

you can also import only the functions you need

import {decodePayloadFromUrl} from "applicaster-utils";

const UQUrlWithPayload = '' // ...
const UQJsonFile = decodePayloadFromUrl(UQUrlWithPayload);

list of available functions :

hasLocalStorage : true || false

Boolean operator which tests the availability of localStorage.

setPersist(key, data) : null

Uses utils.hasLocalStorage to store a string or an object in localStorage or cookies, depending on what's available.

getPersist(key) : Object

Returns a string or an object previously stored to localStorage or cookies with the utils.setPersist method.

getUrlParamByName(name, source) : String || null

Returns the string of a given url parameter. If the source parameter is omitted, the search will be done on

decodePayload(payload) : Object

Stringifies and encodes an object with javascript's atob() method;

encodePayload(object) : String

Decodes a string encoded with javascript's btoa() method, and parses it to return an object

decodePayloadFromUrl(urlString) : String

Returns the json file URL (questionUrl property) in a UQ url with appli-payload

getQuestionIdFromUrlString(urlString) : String

Returns the UQ id from a UQ json file url.

getViewPort() : Object(w: width, h: height, device: device name)

Returns current viewPorts' width and height, plus a device name based on the following map :

if (viewPort.w < 322) {
        if (viewPort.h < 490) {
            viewPort.device = "iphone4";
        } else {
            viewPort.device = "iphone5";
    } else if (viewPort.w < 365) {
        if (viewPort.h < 525) {
            viewPort.device = "g3";
        } else {
            viewPort.device = "s6";
    } else if (viewPort.w < 450) {
        viewPort.device = "iphone6";
    } else if (viewPort.w < 1030) {
        if (viewPort.h < 580) {
            viewPort.device = "stab3";
        } else {
            viewPort.device = "ipad";
    } else  if (viewPort.w < 1300) {
        viewPort.device = "androidTab";
    } else {
        viewPort.device = "default";