InsightsServiceApprovalApIs - JavaScript client for insights_service_approval_ap_is APIs to query approval service This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.0.0
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen
To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm install insights_service_approval_ap_is --save
git then install it via:
If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. npm install GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID --save
For browser
The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following
the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Webpack Configuration
Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:
module: {
rules: [
parser: {
amd: false
Getting Started
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var InsightsServiceApprovalApIs = require('insights_service_approval_ap_is');
var defaultClient = InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure API key authorization: APIKey_auth
var APIKey_auth = defaultClient.authentications['APIKey_auth'];
APIKey_auth.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//APIKey_auth.apiKeyPrefix['x-rh-auth-identity'] = "Token"
var api = new InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.AdminsApi()
var groupIn = new InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.GroupIn(); // {GroupIn} Parameters need to create user group
api.addGroup(groupIn).then(function(data) {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
}, function(error) {
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to http://localhost:3000
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.AdminsApi | addGroup | POST /groups | Add a new user group by given parameters |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.AdminsApi | addUser | POST /users | Add a new user by given parameters |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.AdminsApi | addWorkflow | POST /templates/{template_id}/workflows | Add a workflow by given template id |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.AdminsApi | fetchGroupById | GET /groups/{id} | Return user group by given id |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.AdminsApi | fetchGroups | GET /groups | Return all user groups |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.AdminsApi | fetchGroupsByUserId | GET /users/{user_id}/groups | Return associated groups by given user id |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.AdminsApi | fetchGroupsByWorkflowId | GET /workflows/{workflow_id}/groups | Return an array of groups for the workflow |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.AdminsApi | fetchRequestsByUserId | GET /users/{user_id}/requests | Return associated requests by given user id |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.AdminsApi | fetchStageById | GET /stages/{id} | Return an approval stage by given id |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.AdminsApi | fetchTemplateById | GET /templates/{id} | Return a template by given id |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.AdminsApi | fetchTemplateWorkflows | GET /templates/{template_id}/workflows | Return an array of workflows by given template id |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.AdminsApi | fetchTemplates | GET /templates | Return all templates |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.AdminsApi | fetchUserById | GET /users/{id} | Return user by given id |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.AdminsApi | fetchUsers | GET /users | Return a list of users |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.AdminsApi | fetchUsersByGroupId | GET /groups/{group_id}/users | Return associated users by given group id |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.AdminsApi | fetchWorkflowById | GET /workflows/{id} | Return an approval workflow by given id |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.AdminsApi | fetchWorkflowRequests | GET /workflows/{workflow_id}/requests | Return approval requests by given workflow id |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.AdminsApi | fetchWorkflows | GET /workflows | Return all approval workflows |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.AdminsApi | groupOperation | POST /groups/{id} | Update users in a given group |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.AdminsApi | removeGroup | DELETE /groups/{id} | Delete user group by given id |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.AdminsApi | removeUser | DELETE /users/{id} | Delete user by given id |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.AdminsApi | removeWorkflow | DELETE /workflows/{id} | Delete approval workflow by given id |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.AdminsApi | updateGroup | PATCH /groups/{id} | Update an user group by given id |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.AdminsApi | updateUser | PATCH /users/{id} | Update an user by given id |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.AdminsApi | updateWorkflow | PATCH /workflows/{id} | Update an approval workflow by given id |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.RequestersApi | addRequest | POST /workflows/{workflow_id}/requests | Add an approval request by given parameters |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.RequestersApi | fetchActionsByStageId | GET /stages/{stage_id}/actions | Return actions in a given stage |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.RequestersApi | fetchRequestById | GET /requests/{id} | Return an approval request by given id |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.RequestersApi | fetchRequestStages | GET /requests/{request_id}/stages | Return an array of stages by given request id |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.RequestersApi | fetchRequests | GET /requests | Return an array of approval requests |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.RequestersApi | fetchStageById | GET /stages/{id} | Return an approval stage by given id |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.UsersApi | addAction | POST /stages/{stage_id}/actions | Add an action to a given stage |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.UsersApi | fetchActionById | GET /actions/{id} | Return an user action by id |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.UsersApi | fetchActionsByStageId | GET /stages/{stage_id}/actions | Return actions in a given stage |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.UsersApi | fetchRequestById | GET /requests/{id} | Return an approval request by given id |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.UsersApi | fetchRequestStages | GET /requests/{request_id}/stages | Return an array of stages by given request id |
InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.UsersApi | fetchRequests | GET /requests | Return an array of approval requests |
Documentation for Models
- InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.ActionIn
- InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.ActionOut
- InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.GroupIn
- InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.GroupOperationIn
- InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.GroupOut
- InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.RequestIn
- InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.RequestOut
- InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.StageOut
- InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.TemplateOut
- InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.UserIn
- InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.UserOut
- InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.Workflow
- InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.WorkflowIn
- InsightsServiceApprovalApIs.WorkflowOut
Documentation for Authorization
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: x-rh-auth-identity
- Location: HTTP header