
utility modules for the apps backend

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import appsBackendUtils from '';



Utils for the apps backend for its consumers, APIs and databases.



Utility function to set the right formatting of fields to be written or read from the apps postgres db tm-apps-db.


Utility functions dealing with the AWS lambda consumers of the apps backend lile apps-consumer-article.


Contains middlewares functions for the restify APIs of the apps backend like apps-api-article or apps-api-list.

  • traceIdSetter
    • clarify res / req header setup
    • clarify why we do this here
    • clarify where this is used
    • CallerOrigin


Code that retrieves database credentials from aws secrets manager.



A drone pipeline will perform CI steps such as audit and tests on the repo.

NPM package

This repo is delivered as an NPM package via a drone pipeline.

A new version can be deployed by updating the version number from package.json file by following the semantic versioning syntax and tagging the commit with that version. When pushing the newly tag to git, a new package version will be published.

To bump up the package version, use npm version with --git-tag-version option - this will bump up the package version and it will automatically commit and tag the version change.


npm version patch --git-tag-version

The above will increment the third digit of the version and it will tag the commit with that version.

Short description for semantic versioning syntax:

Stage  | Rule                                                            | Example
major  | Increment the first digit and reset 2nd and 3rd digits to zero  | 4.0.0
minor  | Increment the middle digit and reset the 3rd digit to zero      | 3.4.0
patch  | Increment the 3rd digit                                         | 3.4.2

To trigger the drone pipeline, run:

git push origin <tag>

Note that git push origin --tags does not trigger the drone pipeline. It is however better to trigger it with only 1 tag referenced using git push origin <tag>.

Running tests

git clone ...

yarn && yarn test 

Change logs


  • Added secrets.js + tests


  • Add AppsLoggerFactory and AppsTimer. Removing usage of bene logger, using winston v3.


  • removed redis utils from this module (it's executed locally on both article and list APIs)


  • added loggerSetup, redisCacheSetter and tracedIdSetter middlewares for APIs
  • copied functions from apps-consumer-utils