
This probably already exists in NPM somewhere, but I want this module for a cage match I'm going into

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import appstrap from '';


This probably already exists in NPM somewhere, but I want this module for a cage match I'm going into

Just a crappy little bootstrapper

Spawns a process, passes in the PORT environment variable and waits for the server to become ready so you can do end-to-end-tests on it


var Appstrap = require('appstrap') , instance = new Appstrap('app.js')

instance.start(function() { console.log("Server is listening, you can make http requests to", instance.root_path, "as the server is listening on port", instance.port)



Browser = require 'zombie'
Appstrap = require 'appstrap'

Scenario "Bootstrapping my application", ->
  app = null
  client = new Browser()

  Given "An express application", ->
    app = new Appstrap('app.js')

  When "Spawning it up", (done) ->
    app.start done

  Then "I can run some tests against it", (done) ->
    client.visit app.root_url, ->
      client.text('title').should.equal('hello world')

  after -> app.stop()