
CSS framework for desktop-style web-apps

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import appyStyle from '';



CSS framework for desktop web-apps


The style layout.css contains the common layout styles, especially the flexbox styles. To create an iTunes like interface with an action bar, a scrolling sidebar with a list of sources, and a primary table view, and a status bar; use a nested set of hboxes and vboxes like this:

<div class='fill vbox'>

   <!-- action bar -->
   <div class='hbox'> 
      <label>song name</label> 
      <span class='grow'></span> <!-- spacer -->
      <input type='search' placeholder='search for songs'/>
   <!-- the middle section. takes up most of the space -->
   <div class='hbox grow'> 
       <!-- sources pane -->
       <div class='vbox'>
           <div class='scroll grow'>
                   <li>All songs</li>
       <!-- main table view -->
       <div class='grow scroll'>
                   .... table of songs
   <!-- the status bar -->
   <div class='hbox'>
      <label>Songs in library: 23,000</label>

Primary layout classes, import src/layout.css

  • hbox creates a horizontal box. By default everything is aligned to the left
  • vbox creates a vertical box. by default everything is aligned to the top
  • grow makes the element take up all extra space from it's siblings. ex: list takes up all space, but header and footer are still visible. ex: toolbar with invisible spacers to take up extra space and force some buttons to the right.
  • scroll makes the element scroll it's content. if you want to have a scrolling list, put scroll on the parent container of the list.
  • fill makes the element be absolutely positioned and take all space. Generally used only for the top level container.
  • debug gives the element a 1px red border
  • hidden sets display none. good for conditionally hiding elements.

You can make a great number of layouts with just these basics.