
With our payment platform, it is very easy to accept payment transactions in cryptocurrencies (processed directly in the blockchain), there is no confidential information from customers to collect and store, and there are no cards to collect. Customers si

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apuspayments from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/apuspayments';



ApusPayments is a plataform to make payments using criptocurrencies.

  • Language: NodeJS

Documentation API (v0.0.1)

Examples of use

  • Payments by card.
  • Recurring payments.
  • Cancel payment.
  • Consult payments.
  • Cryptocurrency recharge.


  • Set Enviroment Variable "EnviromentType":
    process.env.EnviromentType = "SANDBOX";

Make a payments

var apusPayments = require('./apuspayments');

var payment = {
    "pan": "9999999999999999", 
    "password": "1234",
    "blockchain": "LTC",
    "amount": 10.03,
    "currency": "BRL", 
    "vendorKey": "5f5bdaed-f82b-4b82-b3f5-1d562633da5b"

apusPayments.makePayment(payment, function (result) {
    console.log("result: ", result);

Make a recurring payments

var apusPayments = require('./apuspayments');

var paymentRecurring = {
    "pan": "9999999999999999", 
    "password": "1234",
    "blockchain": "LTC",
    "amount": 10.03,
    "currency": "BRL",
    "period": "w",
    "frequency": "10",
    "execute": false,
    "vendorKey": "5f5bdaed-f82b-4b82-b3f5-1d562633da5b"

apusPayments.makeRecurringPayment(paymentRecurring, function (result) {
    console.log("result: ", result);

Search payments

var apusPayments = require('./apuspayments');

var paymentParams = {
     "vendorKey": "5f5bdaed-f82b-4b82-b3f5-1d562633da5b",
     "txId": "2bf779e2a311c2629df977b0bb105879411fd71f5839972c4ed1d3278f80170f",
     "timestamp": new Date("2018-09-10T23:11:03-03:00").getTime(),
     "blockchain": "LTC",
     "currency": "BRL",
     "coinAmount": "0.04494037",
     "currencyAmount": "10.00",
     "buyer": "43de9565-943e-49ff-b808-82d54a87199f",

apusPayments.searchPayments(paymentParams, function (result) {
    console.log("result: ", result);

Cancel a payment

var apusPayments = require('./apuspayments');

var cancelPayments = {
    "txId": "2bf779e2a311c2629df977b0bb105879411fd71f5839972c4ed1d3278f80170f",
    "password": "1234",
    "vendorKey": "5f5bdaed-f82b-4b82-b3f5-1d562633da5b"

apusPayments.cancelPayment(cancelPayments, function (result) {
    console.log("result: ", result);

Recharge of Crypto Balance

var apusPayments = require('./apuspayments');

var rechargeCryptoBalance = {
    "pan": "9999999999999999", 
    "password": "1234",
    "blockchain": "LTC",
    "amount": 10.03,
    "currency": "BRL",
    "vendorKey": "5f5bdaed-f82b-4b82-b3f5-1d562633da5b"

apusPayments.rechargeCryptoBalance(rechargeCryptoBalance, function (result) {
    console.log("result: ", result);