Air Quality Index (AQI) Calculator
The package calculates AQI according to the Indian National AQI Standards. This can change in the future as per standards. This is just first version of AQI calculation and we are still awaiting a very standard and clear way of calculating AQI.
aqi-calculator is an NPM package that allows you to calculate Air Quality Index (AQI) with the help of pollutant concentrations ranging from PM2.5
Why aqi-calculator?
We make use of AQI calculations to power our air quality application (BreeZo) and its API. Therefore, we are making this independent calculator to set the same standard of calculation across all our applications.
Using Browser
<script src=""></script>
Using NPM
npm install aqi-calculator
Client-Side Example - Browser
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Example AQI Calculator</title>
<script src=""></script>
var DATA = [
datetime: "2020-03-27T13:00:00.000Z", //Taking the 24-hour average concentration - change when you use this example
pm25: null,
pm10: null,
so2: null,
no: null,
nox: null,
no2: null,
o3: null,
co: null,
datetime: "2020-03-27T14:00:00.000Z", //Taking the 24-hour average concentration - change when you use this example
pm25: 294,
pm10: 297,
so2: 3,
no: 32,
nox: 41,
no2: 18,
o3: 63,
co: null,
datetime: "2020-03-27T15:00:00.000Z", //Taking the 24-hour average concentration - change when you use this example
pm25: 213,
pm10: 275,
so2: 5,
no: 33,
nox: 43,
no2: 19,
o3: 59,
co: null,
var AQI = aqiCalculator(DATA);
Client-Side Example - React
import React from "react";
import aqiCalculator from "aqi-calculator";
const DATA = [
datetime: "2020-03-27T13:00:00.000Z", //Taking the 24-hour average concentration - change when you use this example
pm25: null,
pm10: null,
so2: null,
no: null,
nox: null,
no2: null,
o3: null,
co: null,
datetime: "2020-03-27T14:00:00.000Z", //Taking the 24-hour average concentration - change when you use this example
pm25: 294,
pm10: 297,
so2: 3,
no: 32,
nox: 41,
no2: 18,
o3: 63,
co: null,
datetime: "2020-03-27T15:00:00.000Z", //Taking the 24-hour average concentration - change when you use this example
pm25: 213,
pm10: 275,
so2: 5,
no: 33,
nox: 43,
no2: 19,
o3: 59,
co: null,
const AQIComponent = () => {
const AQI = aqiCalculator(DATA);
return AQI;
export default AQIComponent;
Server-Side Example - NodeJs
const aqiCalculator = require("aqi-calculator");
const DATA = [
datetime: "2020-03-27T13:00:00.000Z", //Taking the 24-hour average concentration - change when you use this example
pm25: null,
pm10: null,
so2: null,
no: null,
nox: null,
no2: null,
o3: null,
co: null,
datetime: "2020-03-27T14:00:00.000Z", //Taking the 24-hour average concentration - change when you use this example
pm25: 294,
pm10: 297,
so2: 3,
no: 32,
nox: 41,
no2: 18,
o3: 63,
co: null,
datetime: "2020-03-27T15:00:00.000Z", //Taking the 24-hour average concentration - change when you use this example
pm25: 213,
pm10: 275,
so2: 5,
no: 33,
nox: 43,
no2: 19,
o3: 59,
co: null,
const AQI = aqiCalculator(DATA);