
Redux over the wire - client side

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import aqueduxClient from '';



Redux over the wire - client side

createStore(store, ...enhancers)

Returns a Redux store and initiate the aquedux client connection. It is a facade over the Redux's createStore method. See next method for more information about the option parameter.

:warning: This method is a shortcut that do the following job.

  • Create a Redux's store with an aquedux wrapper other it.
  • Add the redux-thunk & aquedux in the middleware chain.
  • Create an aquedux client instance and starts the websocket connection.

Therefore you do not have to call createAqueduxClient, aqueduxMiddleware, aqueduxReducer and wrapStoreReducer. For a more advance usage, create the Redux store your own way and use thoses methods to add aquedux support.

createAqueduxClient(store, options = {})

Returns an aquedux client used to send and listen to actions over a websocket connection with an aquedux-server instance.

  • store: The app's Redux store. Required
  • options: The client options. Understand the following keys:
    • hydratedActionTypes: An array of Redux action types to send over the websocket. Default to [].
    • endpoint: The aquedux-server endpoint. Default to ''.
    • timeout: The delay in milliseonds before the client instance switches to a disconnected state and tries to reconnect. Default to 5000.


Returns the aquedux middleware that intercept actions to send them over the websocket connection. It must be added at the end of the middleware chain.


The reducer used by aquedux to manager its dynamic state. It must be composed under the aquedux key with your app reducers. Required

  const reducer = composeReducers({
    aquedux: aqueduxReducer
  const store = createStore(reducer, ...)


A store wrapper that handles the rehydratation of the store's state when subscribing to an aquedux channel. Required

  const reducer = wrapStoreReducer(
      aquedux: aqueduxReducer

  const store = createStore(reducer, ...)

subscribeToChannel(name, id)

An action creator to subscribe to an aquedux channnel. When the action is sent other the socket, the server returns a state snapshot of the channel's data. After that, until you unsubscribe from the channel, you will receive and reduce every actions related to it. The channels are described through the aquedux client object method addChannel.

  • name: The channel's name. Required
  • id: The channel's id. Used only if you want to handle entities through this channel. Default to undefined.

unsubscribeFromChannel(name, id)

An action creator to unsubscribe from an aquedux channnel. See above.