
Entity Component System

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import aranna from '';


Aranna Build Status

Aranna is a lightweight dependency-free Entity Component System written in JavaScript inspired by ces.js.

Basic Usage

Components are javascript classes with a required name property. Note that each component should have a unique name property.

function Position (x, y) { = 'position';
  this.x = x;
  this.y = y;

function Velocity (x, y) { = 'velocity';
  this.x = x;
  this.y = y;

function Health (maxHealth) { = 'health'; = this.maxHealth = maxHealth;

Health.prototype.isDead: function () {
  return <= 0;

Health.prototype.receiveDamage: function (damage) { -= damage;

An entity is essentially a container of one or more components.

var hero = entity();
hero.addComponent(new Position(0, 0));
hero.addComponent(new Velocity(0, 0));
hero.addComponent(new Health(100));

The system is responsible for updating the entities.

function PhysicSystem () {};

PhysicSystem.prototype.update = function (world, dt) {
    var entities, position, velocity;

    entities = world.getEntities('position', 'velocity');

    entities.forEach(function (entity) {
      position = entity.getComponent('position');
      velocity = entity.getComponent('velocity');
      position.x += velocity.x * dt;
      position.y += velocity.y * dt;

The world is the container of all the entities and systems. Calling the update method will sequentially update all the systems, in the order they were added.

var world = World();

// ... add other entities

world.addSystem(new PhysicSystem());
// ... add other systems

requestAnimationFrame(function () {
    world.update(/* arguments are passed to the systems */);

A system is notified when it is added or removed from the world:

function MySystem () {}

MySystem.prototype.addedToWorld = function (world)  {
  // Code to handle being added to world.

MySystem.prototype.removedFromWorld = function (world) {
  // Code to handle being removed from world.

The world emits signals when entities are added or removed. You can listen for specific entities and handle the signal accordingly:

function MySystem () {}

MySystem.prototype.addedToWorld = function (world)  {

  world.onEntityAdded('position', 'velocity')(function (entity) {
      This function is called whenever an entity with both 'position' and
      'velocity' components is added to the world.

  world.onEntityRemoved('position', 'velocity')(function (entity) {
       This function is called whenever an entity with both 'position' and
       'velocity' components is removed from the world.

  world.onComponentAddedToEntity('position', 'velocity')(function (entity) {
       This function is called whenever a component is added to an entity; for
       example, when an entity with only 'position' has 'velocity' added to it.

  world.onComponentRemovedFromEntity('position', 'velocity')(function (entity) {
       This function is called whenever a component is removed to an entity; for
       example, when an entity with both 'position' and 'velocity' has
       'velocity' removed from it.
