
Provides a connect function to link an Arbor store with a React component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import arborReact from '';



Connects a React component to an Arbor store.

Getting Started

A simple Counter APP...

import React from "react"
import Store from "arbor-store"
import connect from "arbor-react"

const CounterApp = ({ counter }) => {
  return (
      <button onClick={() => counter.count++} />

const store = new Store({
  counter: {
    count: 0,

export default connect(store)(CounterApp)

Once an Arbor Store is connected to your React component, the store's state is passed via props to the connected component. Regular JS mutations can be applied to any non-primitive prop, under the hoods, Arbor uses proxies to ensure these mutations do not happen in-place and rather, in an immutable fashion through structural sharing, allowing React to re-render the UI in an optimal way. This process behavior is very similar to Redux reducers.