
build, flatten and walk trees

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import arborist from '';



Build, flatten and walk trees.

browser support


Needed a way to visualize hierarchical data stored as a flat list.


The module exports a single class Arborist. It allows you to:

  • transform datasets from flat lists to hierarchical trees and back again
  • recursively walk and transform hierarchical data structures

Make yourself an instance:

var Arborist = require('arborist');
var arborist = new Arborist;

If you're starting with list data, use parent and id to describe a hierarchy:

var data = [
    id: 1
  }, {
    id: 2
    parent: 1

Then use your instance to build a tree from it:

var tree =;
// {
//   "childNodes": [
//     {
//       "id": 1,
//       "childNodes": [
//         {
//           "id": 2,
//           "parent": 1
//         }
//       ]
//     }
//   ]
// }

Of course, you can also go the other way:


If you already have data in a tree, you can recursively walk each node and even safely transform branches:

var tree = {
  "childNodes": [
      "id": 1,
      "childNodes": [
          "id": 2,
          "parent": 1

// attach a handler:
arborist.didWalkChildNode = function(node, parent, siblings) {
  // look for a specific node
  if ( === 2) {
    // remove it
    // add a new node
    siblings.push({ id: '3', status: 'newfangled' });

// ambulate
// {
//   "childNodes": [
//     {
//       "id": 1,
//       "childNodes": [
//         {
//           "id": 3,
//           "status": "newfangled",
//         }
//       ]
//     }
//   ]
// }


  • build(nodelist) returns a tree created from an array
  • flatten(node) returns an array created from a tree
  • walk(node) recursively walks a tree



  • willWalkNode(node) called before any child node walking takes place
  • didWalkNode(node) called after all child nodes have been walked
  • willWalkChildNode(node, parent, siblings) called while walking a list of child nodes - siblings provides a way to make branch modifications
  • didWalkChildNode(node, parent, siblings) called after all of a child's child nodes have been walked

Return value required

  • resolveNode(node) if your node has id & parent but is wrapped in another object, you can override this to unwrap it
  • resolveNodeId(node) if your nodes don't have you need to implement this and return something unique
  • resolveNodeParentId(node) if your nodes don't have node.parent you need to implement this

Get it

npm install aborist

Test it

npm test Runs a bash script that in turn runs the tests in node, then in your browser using browserify - if your system doesn't have bash you can still do node test or maybe port the script to node.
