
A simple macro to expose the site's absolute URL as a SSM Parameter

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import arcMacroSiteUrl from '';



Allows lambdas to discover the site's url via a SSM parameter

Add to your project

npm i arc-macro-site-url

And add to your .arc file:


get /


Query the site url

To use the absolute url you need to query it in your handler.

cd src/http/get-index 
npm i arc-macro-site-url

And then in the function code:

let arc = require("@architect/functions")
let discovery = require('@lpetre/arc-macro-site-url/discovery')

async function req (req) {
  let site_url = await discovery()
  return {
    html: `<body><p>Welcome to <a href="${site_url}">${site_url}</a>!</p></body>`

exports.handler = arc.http.async(req);

For a complete example see arc-example-site-url