Node module to work with ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Server.
How to install it
Just write this in your prompt:
npm install --save arc-node
And you are ready to go, just instantiate the object like this:
var ArcNode = require('arc-node'),
service = new ArcNode(<config object>);
Check here the description of the <config object> parameter.
When you have instantiate the service you will have available methods to:
- Get a new token
- Check if a feature service exists
- Create an empty feature service
- Add layers to a feature service
- Add features to a layer
- Find address candidates
- Export a webmap
Get a new token
Description: Gets a new valid token.
Return: a deferred object. When it's resolved: it returns the ArcGIS REST API response.
Example: See full example
Name | getToken(options) | ||||||||||||||||
Options (JSON object) |
How to use it
//Get a token valid for 60 minutes
expiration: 60
console.log("response: ", response);
Check if a feature service exists
Description: Check if a feature service with a given name exists.
Return: a deferred object. When it's resolved: it returns the ArcGIS REST API response.
Example: See full example
Name | checkIfFSExists(options?) | ||||||||
Options (JSON object) |
How to use it
service.checkIfFSExists( { serviceName: "Service name" } ).then(function(response){
console.log("response = ", response);
}, function(e){
console.log("Error: ", e);
Create an empty feature service
Description: it creates a feature service with no layers in it
Return: a deferred object. When it's resolved: it returns the ArcGIS REST API response.
Example: See full example
Name | createFeatureService(options?) | ||||||||
Options (JSON object) |
How to use it
service.createFeatureService({name: "My empty feature service"}).then(function(response){
console.log("response = ", response);
}, function(e){
console.log("Error: ", e);
Add layers to a feature service
Description: it add layers to a service based on the definition of each layer.
Return: a deferred object. When it's resolved: it returns the ArcGIS API REST response.
Example: See full example
Name | addLayersToFS(options?) | ||||||||||||
Options (JSON object) |
How to use it
service: response.encodedServiceURL,
layers: [layer]
console.log("response: ", response);
}, function(e){
console.log("Error: ", e);
Add features to a layer
Description: add features to a feature layer
Return: a deferred object. When it's resolved: it return de ArcGIS API REST response.
Example: See full example
Name | addFeatures(options?) | ||||||||||||||||
Options (JSON object) |
How to use it
var data = [{
"name": "Feature name"
"geometry": {
"x": -3,
"y": 40,
"spatialReference": {"wkid" : 4326}
// Add as many features as you want
serviceName: "Your service name",
layer: 0, //<layer index, Ex: 0, 1, 2, ...>
features: data
console.log("response = ", response);
console.log("Error: ", e);
Find address candidates
Description: find xy locations for an address
Return: a deferred object. When it's resolved: it return de ArcGIS API REST response.
Example: See full example
Name | findAddressCandidates(options?) | ||||||||
Options (JSON object) |
How to use it
address: "Emilio muñoz 35, madrid"
console.log("response: ", JSON.stringify(response, null, "\t"));
Export a webmap
Description: generate a static image from a webmap object
Return: a deferred object. When it's resolved: it return de ArcGIS API REST response.
Example: See full example
Name | ExportWebMapTask(options?) | ||||||||
Options (JSON object) |
How to use it
var webmap = ArcJSON.exportableWebmap({
"mapOptions": {
"extent": {
"xmin": -422228.3214312691,
"ymin": 4921137.768125086,
"xmax": -396125.07627191657,
"ymax": 4928896.126496022
"operationalLayers": [
"opacity": 1,
"url": ""
"exportOptions": {
"outputSize": [
"dpi": 192
webmap: webmap
console.log("response: ", JSON.stringify(response, null, "\t"));