$ npm i archy-sdk
Creating command
To create command you can just specify function, that returns array of objects you want to show in app
const archy = require('archy-sdk');
archy.Server(() => [{
body: {
text: 'hello world'
Multiple commands
commands: {
first: () => []
second: () => []
will host two command on host/first and host/second urls
Default command
commands: {
first: () => []
second: () => []
defaultCommand: 'second'
Here is explanation of what default command means to developer
Providing argument to command
const archy = require('archy-sdk');
commands: {
cmd: {
handler: (request) => {
const {args} = request;
switch(args.type) {
case 'arg':
return [{
title: `arg = ${args.value}`
return [{
title: 'no arguments'
args: {
arg: ['value', 'another value'],
Provide argument suggestions based on user request
commands: {
handler: ({args}) => {
switch (args.type) {
case 'arg':
return [1,2,3].map(i => i+args.value)
return [1,2,3]
//by default this argument has no valid values
args: {
arg: []
//result will be [1,2,3] for call without arguments
//in this example every item is passed as suggestion for argument value
genSuggestedArgs: (request, result) => ({
arg: result
//this function will be called for each item returned from handler
mapResultToArchy: d => ({title: d}),
Share suggestions between different commands
you can declare common arguments in root object and link them to commands by name
args: {
shared: ['shared','values']
commands: {
first: {
handler: () => []
args: {
a1: ['value'],
a2: 'shared'
second: {
handler: () => [],
args: {
shared: 'shared'
split argument value and view
args: {
entity: [{
value: 'entityId',
displayValue: 'entityName'