Experimental prototypes of alien things built in JavaScript. The bits may end up living in a different package.
For usage look at the source code in the test folder.
Current Code
- collections/
- insertion-sort.js
- quick-sort.js
- dual-pivot-quick-sort.js
- merge-sort.js
- array-utils.js (copy, clone, reverse)
- es6/
- symbol.js (used for private methods / fields)
- object-assign.js
- random/
- random-net.js (.NET compatable RNG)
- random-java.js (Java compatable RNG)
Future Code
- web compontents built with polymer & bootstrap
- experiments with promises, fetch, System.import
- iterators
- implementations of list, collection
- simple javascript / html game.
- babel customizations.
Apache 2.0 License
© 2015 Michael Herndon